Friday, October 11, 2024

Letters to the editor May 31

| May 31, 2022 12:00 AM

Questions for Zinke

I am writing another letter as a Montana voter who has even more questions for Ryan Zinke.

An article published in the Los Angeles Times in 2014 regarding military disability payments indicate you have an 80% disability rating and receive at least $1,950 per month in disability income. The article further indicates your specific disabilities include arthritis in your back, undiagnosed pain in all your limbs, a strained wrist, tinnitus, a deviated septum and athlete’s foot. Do you have additional disabilities not listed in the article that can justify a monthly payment of nearly $2,000 per month subsidized by taxpayers? If you are elected, will you commit to permanently returning all your disability payments to the federal Treasury, or better yet, to truly disabled veterans? Further, will you admit that your disabilities are more likely related to aging than your military service?

Could you explain to voters and the people who produced recent Republican congressional debates why you have not participated in them? Will you explain why you avoid debates that would let voters to hear all candidate’s positions allowing voters to make informed decision? Do you truly believe a Trump endorsement entitles you to a coronation as a Montana Republican candidate for Congress?

Mr. Zinke, I believe you have intentionally and willfully withheld information from the public, have potentially made false statements and claims, appear to have abused your public trust positions for personal gain multiple times, and have pursued a political career on the backs of honorable men and women long enough.

It’s time to come clean and tell the truth. It is time to meet the standard of the Navy Seal code. If you cannot meet that standard, then I respectfully ask you to take the Trident off your collar until you can do so.

— Janet Walters, Bigfork

Dynamite candidate

Dr. Annie Bukacek may be small in stature but she is far from small in all her achievements and her courage to advocate for all us Montanans.

Dr. Annie Bukacek put out a video that went worldwide viral on the topic of CDC encouraging the designation of Covid as a cause of death. It was the game-changer that challenged the narrative and brought the truth out about the Covid scare. Through all her countless hours of research her opinions and predictions have been spot on. She sent her educational pieces that were based on her research to the legislators, governor and citizens. The result of this no doubt contributed to Montana’s level of freedom during the “pandemic.” She was instrumental in the battle against the lockdowns in the Flathead.

Not only was Dr. Annie Bukacek chosen best doctor in the Flathead 2012, 2019, 2020, 2021, she also showed her strong diversity in other leadership roles such as:

President of Montana Pro life Coalition since 2018.

She is a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Board of the Montana Shooting Sports Association.

She served on the Flathead Health Board where she fought against lockdown in the Flathead.

She is also a member of the Montana Medical Association legislative committee.

I support Dr. Annie Bukacek in her running for Public Service Commission District 5 and I feel confident in knowing that she has the energy, dedication and determination to fill this position and more.

And remember, dynamite comes in small packages.

— Amber Golliday, Kila

Endorses Ketchum

It has been my pleasure to serve in several educational capacities in the state of Montana. I served as the superintendent of Kalispell Public Schools for 11 years, was honored to be on the Montana Board of Public Education for seven years, worked at Flathead Valley Community College in various roles and still serve as a coach and mentor through School Administrators of Montana.

I believe these experiences have given me a comprehensive view of the importance of education in the Flathead Valley and Montana. My perspective leads me to support Cal Ketchum as the most qualified candidate for the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools.

School systems in the community are the backbone of educational growth for students and the heart of community involvement. The staff that serve in these schools not only create active learners but help to prepare responsible citizens. It is important to elect someone who understands these roles and values.

On a professional level, Mr. Ketchum has been a coach, teacher, principal and superintendent. He has been an administrator at various grade levels and school types, with the last 10 years as the superintendent in West Valley. He clearly understands the responsibilities of this position and has worked closely with the current superintendent on joint projects where the entire Northwest team of administrators has been involved. Cal is respected by his colleagues and has represented them in various roles at the state level. He is able to clearly advocate for the needs of staff and students.

On a personal level, Cal is a parent and grandparent taking a very personal interest in what is in the best interest of children and students. As a county superintendent it is very important to be approachable, a good listener and have the ability to provide guidance in a fair and supportive manner. There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Ketchum can fill that role. Mr. Ketchum is knowledgeable and collaborative. I have watched him work with individuals and groups of people and feel confident that he would be an excellent choice for this position. Based on his background, skills, knowledge and personality I endorse the candidacy of Mr. Cal Ketchum for the position of Flathead County State Superintendent of Schools and urge you join me.

— Darlene Schottle, Kalispell

Ingram will preserve Montana values

We are the owners of a landscaping business in Kalispell and have followed how Montana law has affected us over many years. We believe Dr. Dave Ingram is the best candidate for House District 7.

Having a representative with integrity who supports our First and Second amendments and has rejected the “woke agenda,” government overreach, and isn’t supported by special interest money, is extremely important. He also believes in ensuring election integrity, supporting law enforcement, pursuing property tax relief and fostering environmentally sound practices.

Dr. Ingram has been a compassionate physician in our community for over 30 years caring for more than 20,000 of us. He has served on many physician and hospital boards and has an excellent understanding of the power of the government and big pharma and seeks to safeguard the doctor-patient relationship. Additionally, having cared for many veterans and our elderly, he will work toward creating a tax exemption for veterans’ pensions and social security benefits.

One of his most passionate areas of concern has been to empower parents to ensure they have the authority over the content of their child’s education. Enabling parents to protect their children from agenda driven propagandists who wish to create conflict within the family, with such concepts as sexual identity and gender fluidity, is a priority. One of his goals is to revisit the Montana obscenity laws in hopes that public entities can more easily facilitate age-appropriate access to certain materials without infringement on adult rights.

Our valley faces a large influx of “coastal refugees” seeking to experience the Montana we love. Dr. Ingram didn’t move here to change Montana, he moved here to let Montana change him. Let’s preserve our Montana values and vote like your children’s lives depend on it — cause they do. Please vote for Dr. Dave Ingram for House District 7, on June 7.

— Andy and Diane Klein, Kalispell

New resident endorses Neumann

I arrived in Montana 4 months ago, having spent 46 years in New Mexico. I chose Montana due to its common sense policies, vast beauty, patriots and cooler climate.

Before I arrived, I received a glowing Realtor recommendation of Constance Neumann, and reached out to her. It wasn’t until months later that I met her, and discovered she was running for a state House seat in District 9, where I bought a place. She easily talked about her love for this state, and her strong desire to keep Montana, Montana.

After learning about her, I then felt the call to volunteer for her campaign. I found her to be authentic, driven, and bold. She is a conservative Christian, and a constitutionalist. She is intelligent, and wants to keep this state strong and free. She has a strong knowledge of the Constitution and knows history. A wise combination.

I don’t see any weakness in her ability to stand strong against the vitriol that will come her way, from those who don’t stand for truth. From those who want to cancel others who don’t agree with them. She knows from where she draws her strength, and she stands strong.

There are many people moving to Montana, who don’t have conservative values and would love to see this state change to fit their agenda. As I spent those years in New Mexico, I lived through the gradual deterioration of that enchanting state, due to Democrat policies and their lack of solutions. However, there are states that have found solutions. Montana will be that state.

We the people must vote in every election, and learn the intentions of those we elect. I have concluded that Constance Neumann is the woman to secure the goodness and long-standing traditions of Montana.

— Peg Alford, Kalispell