Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Letters to the editor Nov. 1

| November 1, 2022 12:00 AM

Defending Holmquist

In response to Peter Saunders, who accused me of lying about Pam Holmquist in his letter (Oct. 22) — he is the liar not me. He chose two old issues out of my letter to editor, public safety and sidewalks in Evergreen.

Public safety is complicated, especially dealing with the 911 dispatch and the union in the Sheriff’s Office. The budget must balance, but Pam is against increasing property taxes. As new property is developed, more money will be available. As I said in my letter, Pam’s position has been to raise the salaries ($27 per hour and benefits) to prevent more vacancies and then hire more people. The present vacancies are funded, and several new ones will be added at the end of the year. It takes approximately $173,000 for a new officer the first year for training and a vehicle.

The Evergreen issue is not as complicated. Saunders mentioned honesty, but again I believe he lied about Pam’s position on funding a bike path over a path for kids. She actually supported both and helped get both of them funded by using state money rather than county money. I have never lied to get votes when I ran for office and neither has Pam.

Pam does have a write-in opponent, so it is necessary to fill in the oval next to her name.

— Verdell Jackson, Kalispell

Fallon is for public safety

I am backing Jack Fallon because I have worked at FCSO Detention, CFPD, FCSO Posse and am an unpaid volunteer on NV SAR as a first responder. Our sheriff and like minded individuals seem to think we could use Jack’s support and so do others.

Jack Fallon lived in Benewah County, Idaho and I feel we have some of the same values and strong moral compass. I have personally seen some things in Benewah County with their sheriff’s department and budgeting and helping the elderly people in their communities that I don’t see happening here in the Flathead and that concerns me. Flathead by far has a larger amount of revenue. We currently have commissioners who don’t understand the budget admittingly so.

I feel we need more support for our Sheriff’s Office, detention staff, and first responders. It is simply not acceptable to have a low paying and understaffed Sheriff’s Office and detention center.

I have voted for Pam in the past and have met and know Randy Broedehl and Brad Abell both. This is not personal and I am for voting for whomever you choose, however I personally am ready for change and feel like change needs to be made now versus later for the better good of the Flathead.

Jack Fallon can bring his financial capabilities. He has been on our water and sewer board, helped facilitate the $14 million Evergreen sewer project and $4.4 million Evergreen Fire Districts annual operation levy. What really received my vote is that he helped coordinate refinancing in 2016 for Kalispell Public bonds resulting in lower interest rates and saving in millions of dollars so I feel like he had an incredible amount of expertise.

— Tanya Edstrom, Columbia Falls

Tranel the right choice

I have watched all nine painful U.S. House Select Committee Jan. 6 hearings and taken into account the disturbing human and natural events ongoing across our country and around the world. I am amazed that American society produced and elected to high political offices so many people who lack integrity, honesty, loyalty, and accountability as well as fundamental problem-solving skills.

We need representatives who are able to work well with diverse constituents to develop solutions to our problems using factual information, scientific data, informed opinion, and common sense.

Monica Tranel’s conservative Montana upbringing, energy sector experience, skills, abilities, work ethic, and empathy are needed now in Washington D.C.

Ignoring decades-long scientific warnings by continuing to invest in petroleum-based energy sources is not an option when we already are experiencing severe impacts from climate change right now in Montana.

Ryan Zinke’s military background and corporate relationships are not assets our democratic government needs right now while we fight against corporate oligarchy. As a Trump appointee, Zinke supported Donald Trump while he was (briefly) Interior Secretary and has continued to support him in spite of Trump’s looming reckoning for likely sedition and/or treason indictments.

Representative democracy (not dictatorship) is what progressive societal evolution looks like and we ALL need to vote for Monica to preserve it!

— Mark Benedict, Bigfork

Honesty in elections

One of the things I consider when deciding whom to vote for is the kind of campaign they run. Are they mudslingers? Do they make idle campaign promises that they have no intention of fulfilling? Are they genuine?

As I look at the race for county commissioner, I wonder if the Fallon campaign is genuine. The Fallon campaign signs say “conservative” on them, but they’re placed next to the signs of liberal candidates. Drive around and look in front yards and see for yourself. I noticed this in the primary as well.

Fallon is also being promoted by liberal groups. I have come to the conclusion that his campaign is disingenuous, that it is an effort to elect a liberal to the county commission who’s pretending to be conservative.

If you want to elect a liberal, then, by all means, do so. But the issue in this race isn’t conservative or liberal, it’s honesty. I’d rather elect someone who ran an honest campaign, whether they be liberal or conservative.

—Doug Adams, Whitefish

Has beens

What drives former Republicans Marc Racicot and Bob Brown is the fact that they have become active vectors of a nasty disease that causes the infected to abandon all principles (and Party loyalty) and to sell their souls in so doing. Anything goes for these guys so long as it results in their unequivocal opposition to former President Trump and some benefit to themselves. These two aren’t just Never-Trump Republicans, it appears they’ve become card-carrying members of the Democrat Party, endorsing Democrats up and down the ballot since 2016. That they have now endorsed Monica Tranel is a non-story and is as unsurprising and insignificant as Racicot and Brown themselves.

Ryan Zinke should be glad he didn’t receive the endorsement of these two Democrat players who have made it clear they support the current White House occupant; inflation and gas prices at record high levels, and they endorse one of the worse US economies in past memory.

Polls show Ryan Zinke has the people of Montana behind him ... he doesn’t need the support of two has-beens who are clearly pandering to anybody who will listen to them.

— Dee Kirk-Boon, Kalispell

Competence matters

Until recently we had no knowledge about the complex work of the Public Service Commission and now understand why we must elect competent people to serve on the Commission.

The PSC regulates the rates of investor owned electric, natural gas, waste water utilities as well as overseeing the safety of our railroads and intra-state pipelines. It also has some oversight over the transportation industry including garbage trucks, taxis and limousines. Proper regulation involves competent analysis of the financial expenses and concerns of businesses vs the need of Montana citizens to be protected from potential abuse and profiteering by monopolistic businesses.

For example, Northwestern Energy has recently applied to the Public Service Commission for a permanent increase of 25.6 percent for electric and 11.1 percent for natural gas. Members of the PSC need a deep background in financial analysis and the energy business to make a decision affecting so many Montana families. Is this really a necessary and fair increase, or not? Competence matters!

Annie Bukacek does not have the business experience or collaborative personality required for the PSC. Annie has been president of the Montana Pro-life Coalition and was on the Flathead County Health Board where she espoused strong anti-regulatory positions that undermined the board. She only seems to favor regulation when it agrees with her political and religious beliefs. If elected to the PSC, a regulatory body, she plans to continue her medical practice while working for PSC two days a week for a full time PSC salary of $110,000.

John Repke has the knowledge and experience to oversee complex organizations regulated by the PSC. He has an MBA, 40 years of corporate finance experience, experience in oil and gas operations, pipeline maintenance and inspection, waste management and has been the CFO of several large and complex companies including ones regulated by state agencies. The business of the PSC requires full time commitment from a highly qualified individual. John Repke is the obvious choice.

— Carol and John Santa, Kalispell

Liberal smears

As we enter into the last weeks of this year’s election, voters will be faced with lies and nonsense about local and statewide candidates, with the worst of it coming from Monica Tranel and the liberal left. They’ve even tried to paint Ryan Zinke, a 5th generation Montanan, as someone with no connections to the treasure state.

It couldn’t be farther from the truth. Ryan was raised in Whitefish, attended school there, and raised his family there. Ryan also spent years defending our country as a Navy Seal. He saw many things that most of us can never imagine, along with losing many of his fellow soldiers and friends while protecting our freedoms.

Ryan served in the Montana Legislature, represented Montana in Congress and served in Donald Trump’s cabinet as Interior Secretary. Ryan has represented Montana well and truly depicts what makes Montana great: its people.

The liberal left is spinning lies about Ryan because they know he doesn’t support their far left liberal agenda that has destroyed families, our culture, and our schools. Ryan stands for our police, a protected southern border, and a strong, energy-independent America. He’ll fight to bring down inflation and gas prices — something he’s already done as Interior Secretary.

I am proud to support a fellow Montanan like Ryan Zinke who will put Montana ‘s interest first and support policies that protect Montana and our country.

Vote Zinke.

— Sen. Greg Hertz, R-Polson

Conservative picks

Vote for Republican Pam Holmquist for Commissioner, Republican Ryan Zinke for U.S. House and Conservative James Brown for Montana Supreme Court. They are outstanding conservatives. They will protect your freedom and protect and defend the Constitution.

— Ardis Larsen, Lakeside

Tranel for Montana values

Ryan Zinke served as Secretary of the Interior for 18 months before leaving under scrutiny. He made decisions — choices — that conflicted with his oath of office. He was not a victim nor a target; he repeatedly violated longstanding regulations, and therefore, was investigated for numerous ethics violations. He abused his power — Zinke has no integrity.

Monica Tranel has integrity. She did not defend a convicted rapist. She cares about all Montanans.

If you work hard, you should be able to afford a decent home, support your family, and save.

In Congress, Monica will invest in the middle class instead of tax giveaways to the rich. She will work to create a strong labor force and develop better-paying jobs by leveraging our natural resources — Montana can be a leader in the energy transition.

She is the only candidate with a plan to address this affordability crisis, including converting energy production to renewables for affordability, sustainability, security. Increase the supply of affordable housing and limit the monopoly power of corporations. It would help families earn a better living by supporting childcare and the creation of good jobs and strong unions.

As a lawyer she has been an advocate for renewable energy producers, and she knows how to foster a new economy that provides Montana, and the world, with clean, renewable, reliable and low-cost energy.

Monica cherishes our democracy. She is committed to talking to and listening to people on all sides of an issue and finding paths to agreement.

She also won’t let anyone take away our freedoms. Monica knows that a woman’s right to choose belongs to her. She will defend that right.

Monica Tranel, a proven advocate for Montana values and a future that supports all Montanans.

— Amy Vanderbilt, Kalispell

Political rhetoric

Another election year is coming to an end and with it the rhetoric and insults are only getting worse. I have been in Flathead County for 75 years and never thought I would see this happen.

There is a write-in candidate that wants to be county commissioner. He has openly stated that the Republicans are not going to like him. He ran in the primary as a Republican and campaigned hard on Republican principles only to lose the primary to Pam Holmquist (the true Republican). He has slandered all Republicans by calling us swamp creatures in an election mailer.

This should be a wakeup call to all of us. This is a very important election for Flathead County. We do not want to follow behind the national elections and let anyone influence us into thinking that woke, CRT and transgender athletes competing in girl sports is OK.

Pam Holmquist has taken a strong stand on spending, but also voted for a 15% increase to the sheriff’s budget. If there is a shortage, as the write-in candidate says, why was there a $600,000 carry over from last year. It has been said there is not enough recruits to fill the sheriff’s force. This is not the commissioner’s fault.

Please do not fall for the rhetoric from the write-in candidate. Come out and vote for the well qualified, experienced and very loyal Republican candidate Pam Holmquist.

— Robert L. Spoklie, Kalispell