Planning board looks at the residential subdivision on Columbia Falls Stage
The Flathead County Planning Board on Wednesday will consider a proposal to create 11 residential lots on 114 acres on Columbia Falls Stage Road.
Mummy Mountain LLC is requesting a preliminary plat for Green Valley Subdivision near Columbia Falls. The request is one of six public hearings headed before the planning board.
The board meets at 6 p.m. on the second floor conference room of the South Campus Building at 40 11th St. W. in Kalispell. Recommendations from the planning board regarding the requests are forwarded to the Flathead County Commissioners for final consideration.
The property proposed for the Green Valley Subdivision is not zoned and is currently undeveloped in agricultural production. The property is located at 1275 Columbia Falls Stage Road.
The average size of the lots in the subdivision would be 10.36 acres. Internal subdivision roads would provide access to lots within the subdivision.
The proposal calls for the subdivision to be developed in two phases. The first phase would consist of five residential lots and infrastructure for the entire subdivision. The second phase would consist of six residential lots.
The county planning staff report notes that an overall development plan was submitted to the county which shows potential future phases not being reviewed as part of the preliminary plat application before the board.
Also on the agenda:
• A request from Whitefish Ski Condo Rentals LLC for a preliminary plat approval of Whalebone Estates II, a proposal to create five residential lots and one commercial lot on 20.57 acres off of Aussie Tree Lane. The property is currently undeveloped and is located about a quarter of a mile southeast of U.S. 2.
• A request from Terry Falk for a preliminary plat approval of WestFalk No. 2, a proposal to create five residential lots on 13.83 acres at 57 Zachjell Place, Kalispell. The lots currently have a single-family residence and some accessory structures.
• A request from Donald and Linda Stolte for a proposal to change the zoning on a parcel of land at 298 Blanchard Lake Road near Whitefish. The request seeks to change the zoning from SAG-5 to R-2.5 on about 5 acres, which would bring the allowable uses more in line with the residential developments in the vicinity, according to the staff report.
The property contains a single-family dwelling, a shop and an outbuilding. Properties in the surrounding area are a mixture of estate-sized residential and undeveloped.
• A request from Mallery Knoll and Dylan Simac for a preliminary plat approval of Knoll Stone Subdivision, a proposal to create three residential lots on 41.83 acres. The property is located at 54 and 55 Carly Lane near Bigfork and includes a single-family dwelling.
• A request from Sarah Sullivan for a zone change on a parcel of land located at 14 McCaffery Lake Lane, Bigfork. The acreage involved in the request is 54 acres and would change the zoning from AG-40 to SAG-5. The request would allow for a family transfer and change the zoning to match the area, according to the planning staff report.
Features Editor Heidi Desch may be reached at 758-4421 or