Friday, July 26, 2024

Law roundup: Woman trapped in car wash, freed

by Daily Inter Lake
| November 14, 2022 12:00 AM

A woman was reportedly stuck in an automatic car wash for about 20 minutes when she called the Kalispell Police Department. She told officers she tried calling a phone number provided in the car wash but only got a recording. She then tried to see if she could open the door. Eventually, she was freed.

A drunk, tall, slender man was allegedly stumbling along and trying to kick in the door of a darkened residence, which turned out to be his. He was locked out, but he didn’t want law enforcement assistance and said he would figure it out on his own.

A man wearing a gray coat and a black hat took off running through a parking lot after unsuccessfully trying to steal a beer.

Someone let officers know they dropped off a man with a suitcase near the station after he was kicked out of a location for reportedly “losing his mind” when asked to fill out paperwork.

A call came in about the same man, who was allegedly on a corner unpacking his suitcase in an erratic fashion, which someone took for “doing a tweaker dance.”

A man told his friend to call for help if he went inside his house and didn’t come out in 15 minutes because of the people reportedly living there who were supposed to be moving out the next day. When 15 minutes passed and he didn’t come out, she called 911. When he did come out, she called back to say he was safely out of the house.

Employees asked officers to remove an unruly woman accusing them of stealing from her because she was refusing to leave.

A first responder allegedly brought a woman to a location who was causing a disturbance. Someone asked the police to tell her she couldn’t be at the location for a week because of her disorderly behavior, which had been ongoing.

A man at a casino with his girlfriend left to get her a jacket and when he returned, he was reportedly told that law enforcement removed her from the building. When she was not at home, he called officers wanting to know if she was OK. His questions were answered.

A drunk man, who was also on drugs, allegedly went to his sister’s house and started banging on the door and “being crazy.” She told officers he was swearing and saying he was moving out even though she claimed he didn’t live there. She said she didn’t know her own address but lived in the area before hanging up. He got all of his stuff, a sober driver and was on his way.

A white pickup and trailer, both without license plates, had reportedly been parked on a corner for days without being moved, which made someone suspicious.