Friday, December 13, 2024

A plea to get involved

| November 29, 2022 12:00 AM

This past election cycle has really woken me up to the condition of our country and the work that lays ahead. Also this morning I posted on Facebook “Vote your faith, vote your convictions, vote your Bible,” so Facebook restricted my account for 30 days. Only in America, right?

I am a political junkie, which actually started back in the 1960s when I spent two terms in Vietnam and saw the absolute incompetence of our government. When you fight a war from a desk in D.C., and young Americans are asked to take a hill and once they take it and lose their friends and American blood is left on the hill then the next day the “desk” in D.C. says leave the hill, it was all for nothing.

Taking young strapping men off the helicopter missing limbs and their young lives ruined was almost too much for me to handle, realizing it was our government that did that to them. I have had a fire in my belly since then to be involved and try to make change.

I also served 11 years in elected office with numerous trips to D.C. to see first hand the ineffective process of trading votes and men and women who talk down to their constituents and treat us like an inconvenience. The current condition of our government it is plain to see it is broken and we need to work harder than ever to recruit and support people with good character and a desire to return to “One nation under God.”

This has to be in the local arena as well, to be involved in electing quality individuals to school boards, city councils, planning boards, local leaders, mayors, commissioners etc. The churches, farmers, working men and women, business people need to get off their hands and get involved. We can and will make a difference.

I am hopeful that after this most recent election cycle people have woken up to the fact that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Corrupt leaders must be held accountable for the corruption that is rampant in government.

This is a plea to get involved, study the issues and contribute to the election of good men and women, it’s ours to lose.

God Bless America.

— Gary Hall, Columbia Falls