Friday, March 14, 2025

Letters to the editor Oct. 17

| October 17, 2022 12:00 AM

Daines endorsement

Far away from the “Beltway Bubble” of Washington D.C., county government is on the frontline of every issue facing policy makers and our communities. That’s why we need local elected officials with the knowledge and know-how to serve their constituents.

For nearly a decade, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Flathead County Commissioner Pam Holmquist on important Montana issues ranging from forestry and land management to job creation. I’ve sat with her in meetings on Capitol Hill advocating for the Kalispell Bypass project. We’ve had important discussions at mills and manufacturing facilities in the Flathead Valley about increasing high paying job opportunities for Montanans.

Working on behalf of a county that is more than 70% federal land, Pam has been a constant voice for commonsense forestry and land management policies. She understands that commonsense management enhances our public lands, lowers the risk of catastrophic wildfires and helps sustain Montana timber jobs.

Pam also has unmatched knowledge of the ins and outs and intricacies of county government, which has proved vital as she advocates for Flathead County on the state and national levels. She’ll continue working to protect private property rights, deliver critical public services and keep the county on a strong fiscal track.

I have always appreciated Pam’s kindness, candor and honesty in discussions.

Pam Holmquist is a strong advocate for the Flathead and a top-notch public servant. She has my full support.

— U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, Bozeman

Vote Republican

It’s election season, also known as the season of misleading information. A prime example is what appears to be Montana Democrats’ main talking point on legislative races: “If the Republicans can flip just two more legislative seats, they’re coming after the constitution.”

What the Democrats fail to mention is that the Legislature cannot change Montana’s Constitution. It says right there in the constitution that any proposed amendments have to be voted on by Montana voters. At most, the Legislature can propose amendments for the voters to decide. A good example of that is the proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot this year to safeguard our privacy in the digital age. Republicans passed it in the Legislature over the objections of more than 20 House Democrats. Now, voters will get to decide whether the government is required to get a warrant before accessing our election communications.

Despite the Democrats’ fear mongering about make believe “threats” to constitutional rights, I don’t see voters approving changes to reduce or eliminate freedom of speech, personal privacy, tribal sovereignty, religious freedom, public education, a clean environment, civil rights, the right to bear arms, hunting and fishing rights, or public access rights, among others. Nor do I see Republicans proposing any radical changes like that.

What Montana Democrats are really saying is that they don’t trust Montana voters. Montana Democrats believe the government knows what is best for you and they don’t trust you to update our constitution if that’s what you want to do, whether regarding digital privacy or any other topic.

The Montana Democrats are spinning lies and nonsense because they know Montana does not support their far left liberal agenda of pushing woke policies destroying our families, culture, and schools. Montana doesn’t support their agenda promoting soft on crime policies, open borders bringing in dangerous drugs, and destroying our energy and natural resources economy while supporting OPEC oil and overseas mining employing child labor, not to mention Biden’s reckless spending and inflation.

With an unpopular agenda like that, I guess I’m not surprised Montana Democrats have resorted to trying to mislead Montanans about our own constitution. This November, remember, only you can change Montana’s constitution. But Montana Democrats will implement reckless policies if you vote for their candidates.

Vote Republican for common sense solutions.

— State Sen. Greg Hertz, Polson

Aim for justice

This year Montanan’s are facing the most critical general election in recent history with results that will have significant impacts on future generations.

We Montana citizens, no matter the party affiliation, have certain, unimpeachable duties which must be performed intelligently and with empathy. We are instructed in Isaiah chapter 1 verse 17: “Learn to do good, make justice your aim; redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow.”

Learn to do good, make justice your aim. We are urged by these words to be open minded, to do our homework and then make a judgment as to whom will best be of service to our community, to future generations and who will best represent us with their experience, qualifications and most importantly, their character. We will then exercise our right to vote and elect with certification. Our choices start with the election for Justice of the Supreme Court, our United States Representative and for our local district representatives. Make justice your aim and do your very best.

— Michael L. McKenna, Bozeman