Law roundup: Although unsightly, equipment not illegal
A man’s collection of lawnmowers, four-wheelers, golf carts and other equipment was allegedly clogging up an alleyway and a woman complained she was getting notices for garbage because he was throwing away “non-approved” items. She also thought the equipment was “hazardous and unsightly.” An officer counseled the man about blocking the alley and he moved a four-wheeler. The officer determined, while unsightly, that didn’t mean the collection was illegal to have on his property.
A man carrying a vacuum cleaner over his shoulder reportedly scared a dog. The man claimed he found the vacuum by garbage. Officers fined the man and he was released.
A man checked in with officers about a MacBook Air that fell off his car because a tracker reportedly showed it was in the area of the library. The laptop was unable to be located.
A woman thought her purse was stolen from her vehicle, but she found it in a shopping cart in the parking lot after tracking her phone inside it.
An orange Santa Cruz Tallboy mountain bike was reported stolen from an open garage even though people were home.