Letters to the editor Sept. 5
Ranked Choice Voting a bad idea
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in Montana primary elections being promoted by Marc Racicot and Bob Brown is a terrible idea. Until Montana has an unbiased and even-handed media, we are better off keeping the current system in place.
The RCV model would enable the liberal media to promote their favorite candidates. Through obfuscation, omissions, commissions and falsehoods the liberal media is going to manipulate the narrative to favor the most progressive candidates. Candidates promoting adherence to the Constitution and limiting the size, scope and reach of government will be demonized.
Partisan primaries offer voters more honest candidates, reflecting their beliefs, instead of RCV candidates whose records and principals will be manipulated or embellished by the mainstream media. This is not the time in our history for switching to Ranked Choice Voting.
— Ed Regan, Townsend
Coaster project concerns
The 1/2 mile where the coaster park is proposed has blind hilltops north and south, a sharp curve between, seven access points and an existing death memorial feet from its entrance. It runs directly above many housetops on Lakeside Boulevard.
The plan is to make a left turn lane. This would hold about three to four cars. The rest would spill over into the through lane to back up to the crest of the blind approach. Many 18-wheelers and tandem fuel tankers, that require up to 1,000 feet to stop, must travel this highway. Where will they go?
The homes below and close to the roadway are in a target area. A similar, though not as critical situation, exists for southbound traffic.
Anyone who has ever attended an amusement park is aware of traffic backups for entry. The Department of Transportation seems to think a four-car left turn lane is sufficient. It is not, given the configuration of this 1/2 mile.
This area will develop, undoubtedly. However, a proposal with this kind of traffic dangers should not be allowed. U.S. 93 is already far beyond safe capacity. Better attention is imperative for safety of accesses. Pre-driving age kids will be walking this stretch also. Has anyone thought of their safety?
There is no room for widening this particular stretch.
— Florence Borger, Lakeside