Thursday, March 06, 2025

Compline Choir offers ‘Prayers for Ukraine’

| September 8, 2022 12:00 AM

The Kalispell Compline Choir (and Friends) returns Sunday, Sept. 11, to Christ Church Episcopal, 215 Third Ave. E. in Kalispell, for a special edition of "Nightcap for the Soul.” Members of the choir have joined with other local musicians under the direction of Jennifer Stephens to present "Prayers for Ukraine," a service of a cappella choral music and meditative readings offered in hopes for peace and healing of the conflict. Music chosen for this concert will be sung in English, French, Latin and Ukrainian. The 45-minute service begins at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

There will not be a call for contributions at the event, however, program notes will include information and donation options for those wishing to support charitable organizations serving in Ukraine, or assisting refugees from Ukraine.

Choir member 'Asta Bowen said, "With the toll of suffering across Ukraine, neighboring countries, and ultimately around the world, it's hard to imagine what we can do to support those affected by the violence and upheaval. This program comes from the heart, a prayer for restoration of peace to the region, and healing for all involved."

About the Compline Choir

The Kalispell Compline Choir offered “Nightcap for the Soul” from 2015 to 2020 at Christ Church Episcopal. The free program was held monthly from May through September, and included meditative readings, medieval chant, and renaissance a cappella choral music drawn from faith traditions around the world. Visitors enjoyed a quiet, candle-lit space and the peace and inspiration of an ancient, sacred tradition.

In 2020, the pandemic brought a temporary halt to Nightcap for the Soul; and when founding director Craig Hodges’ work took him away from the Valley, the program and choir went on pause and will remain so until a permanent director is found.