Saturday, December 14, 2024

Letters to the editor Sept. 11

| September 11, 2022 12:00 AM

Arctic ice

In response to Gary Goers’ dis-informational letter posted Sept 1, 2022 I submit the following from NASA: “Gains in Antarctic sea ice are not large enough to offset the losses of the Arctic. The ice in both regions helps regulate global temperatures. Even if Antarctic gains balanced sea ice levels globally, Arctic sea ice losses could still contribute to further regional and global warming.”

And from a May, 2022 article on Reuters, a fact check on an article posted previously on The Daily Sceptic website dated April 29, 2022: Summary verdict: “[The]...article [is one] selectively citing 2021 Arctic sea ice levels as being higher than in 2012 contradicts longer-term evidence of sea-ice decline and is not proof that climate change is not happening.”

So to Ina Albert, the climate concerned poster that Mr Goers was responding to: If you choose to accept Mr. Goers point of view and advice, I suggest that while watering your lawn you fill a few jugs full of water as well. You’re probably going to need it down the road.

— Leslie Brown, Kalispell

Funding law enforcement

I read that our local law enforcement were not given the funds they need to provide services to all of Flathead County.

Just two days ago they had a call in West Glacier and another west of town. They have few on a shift, so if a dire emergency comes up will they have enough personnel to respond?

A marijuana tax should go directly to law enforcement. For one thing, as a retired substance abuse counselor, law enforcement is more than busy as more are under the influence of pot. We have had several killings in this area already. Domestic abuse! So many drugs are incredibly easy to access. And Kalispell has had an influx of new residents.

I pray that our county commissioners will move the marijuna taxes over to local law enforcement, or come up with a way to give them the operating funds they need.

— Grace Larson, Kalispell

Independents for Tranel

I vote independent, and if you do as well, please consider voting for Monica Tranel for the Western U.S. House seat this November.

As an independent voter I have the freedom to vote for who I want and am not beholden to either party. I evaluate candidates based on their ability to deliver for Montana.

Monica will work for all Montanans, not just a privileged few, like her opponent.

Please look into Monica. She has the smarts, the energy and the honesty to make a great congresswoman, the first from Montana in a very long time.

— Dave Hadden, Bigfork