Friday, October 11, 2024

Letters to the editor Aug. 28

| August 28, 2023 12:00 AM

Costly drone

A $30,000 drone for the Kalispell Fire Department? Could we see the invoice for that drone? Is it for the drone only (yes, I know, specialty sensors and cameras) or is there some consulting or training involved?

Holy Cow! I searched for firefighting drones and asked: “What do fire departments pay for drones?” I cannot come up with anything near $30,000.

I think a drone for purposes stated is excellent and a good thing for firefighters, law enforcement and first responders. But as a taxpayer, I would like to understand what the $30,000 includes.

— Elizabeth Summers, Kalispell

Not supporting the school levy

Let me count the reasons why:

Number one: I sat in the Flathead High School auditorium when my son started high school. He is now 40 years old. I sat there listening to people talking about how gambling would solve so many financial problems of local schools. How if we voted to allow it in our valley the monies would support our schools.

Number two: I read about the liquor licenses being a good thing in our valley. How allowing and supporting the bars and breweries, how they are taxed and the monies are there to support our schools.

Now Number three: Marijuana. First medical marijuana. Then recreational marijuana. Oh how the petition and newspaper articles read how they would support our schools.

I didn’t support any of these. I still don’t. Unfortunately many believed and voted for these things. But what has been the result? Read the crime reports. Yet. Here we are.

I used to support school bonds and levies. I did not on the last one and will not this time or in the future. I fully support our students and schools, our teachers and staff. I have been involved in my children’s schools and on the school board. We have the best in this valley from preschool to college.

But it is time for our school board trustees and superintendent to go to Helena and ask where is the monies promised from gambling, alcohol taxes and marijuana taxes.

As Montana voters, as Flathead County voters we were told that if we supported gambling, alcohol and marijuana that schools would have this money. There should be no need for bonds and or levies. My neighbors and I do not need our taxes raised. This has gone on too long.

— Elizabeth Walter, Kalispell

Covid and the 2024 election

The “new” Covid-19 strain is coming to roost just in time for the 2024 elections to force unconstitutional mandatory mail-in ballots due to hyped up pandemic fears.

Eris is marching across Europe and threatening the shores of the U.S.

The so-called “scientific experts” are signaling for mask mandates in schools and airports. By my last count, we are up to Covid booster no. 7. The vaccine scare couldn’t have been accomplished without the signature of President Donald Trump in 2019. Congress out maneuvered the man who had declared open warfare on the deep state. How did they do it? As usual, it was quite simple.

Let me demonstrate with some recent history.

In December of 2019, no one was talking Wuhan, coronavirus, mRNA or vaccines. Buried inside the “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020” was a “small” change in the definition of a vaccine. Prior to the change in federal law, the legal definition of biological product was: “The term ‘biological product’ means a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, protein (except any chemically synthesized polypeptide), or analogous product, or arsphenamine or derivative of arsphenamine (or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound), applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings.”

The meddling was buried deep inside the appropriation bill. The term “biological product” definition was changed, not by adding the mRNA text, but by eliminating a portion of the definition. SEC. 605. BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT DEFINITION. Section 351(i)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(i)(1)) is amended by striking “(except any chemically synthesized polypeptide).”

Get ready for the media, public health officials and government “experts” to begin the full court press to keep Joe Biden in the basement this election cycle.

Let the games begin.

— Rick Breckenridge, Kalispell