Sunday, October 13, 2024

Letters to the editor Jan. 2

| January 2, 2023 12:00 AM

Drag show bill

The Dec. 29 Daily Inter Lake report on the proposed bill banning children from drag shows elicited many comments from those promoting such shows. Some critics question the need for such a bill saying “They’re really trying to solve for a problem that does not exist.” I thought it was a lot of push back for what seemed to be a common-sense bill to simply protect youngsters from possible inappropriate shows. I then questioned what the agenda could be.

Well, I found out. An internet search immediately brought up the true agenda and all the opponents’ standard talking points. A very informative article from City Journal magazine (The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour, Autumn 2022) laid out the lurid history of drag queen shows. The article liberally quoted several leaders of the movement. One is lesbian writer and activist Gayle S. Rubin who I believe openly advocated sex with children. City Journal author Christopher F. Rufo summed it up concisely saying that the logical conclusion of the process is pedophilia.

“Gender Trouble” in 1990 by queer theorist Judith Butler smoothly advocated a complicated social change theory and social reconstruction. Rufo states “The goal of drag, following Butler and Rubin, is to obliterate conceptions of gender through performativity.”

The claims that drag queen story hours are not common are easily debunked; New York City spent over $200,000 over two years contracting drag queen story hours for schools, libraries, and public festivals, according to the National Examiner.

Many defenders claim they are designed to foster LGBTQ “acceptance” and “inclusion” Nonsense! The real agenda is to “groom” children to accept aberrant sexual behavior as normal.

It is imperative that parents especially read up on the subject and push their legislators to stop this outrageous attack on their children. Stealing childhood innocence and introducing confusing gender information is a distinct threat to young people’s mental health.

— Gary Goers, Kalispell

Disabled veterans

I emailed this note to Congress.

Our disabled veterans are grossly undercompensated. The consequences for all of us could be dire.

In FY2023 a totally disabled veteran with no dependents is compensated at the ridiculous rate of $43,463 annually. The National Average Wage Index (NAWI) for 2021 was $60,575 per annum and the median income for 2021 was $70,784. The per capita GDP in 2021 was $69,288 among the highest in the world. This rate of compensation to disabled veterans is deliberate and cruel.

They have been asking various administrations and Congresses for fair compensation since the end of World War I in November 1918. That was 104 years ago. Where is it?

In my opinion the basic reason for their gross under compensation situation is because they are only compensated for projected loss of wages due to their disabilities. They are not compensated for their low quality of life. This is done to keep taxation low for the wealthy elites. So what it comes down to is this: the groups that had their assets and overseas business interests protected the most by our now broken former troops pay essentially nothing to support them in their brokenness. That is not very American is it?

I ask you to pass legislation this year to compensate them fairly, especially the totally and permanently disabled among them who should be compensated at least at the level of the NAWI.

This is now a national security problem.

Once there is full realization among our youth that serious injury or illness in the armed forces almost guarantees a lifetime of near poverty as a disabled veteran the armed forces will collapse rather quickly. In fact, this is already starting to happen. Enlistments are sparse.

Be warned.

— Rhonda Cooney, Butte