Flathead Business Watercooler
Leadership workshop
The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is putting on a “Coaching for Your Success” clinic on Feb. 15 from noon to 1 p.m. Speaking will be Sherrie Patterson of Essential Development and Coaching, and the session will focus on understanding the differences between men and women’s styles and approaches in the workplace. The event will be held at the Kalispell Chamber, 15 Depot Park.
Columbia Falls Job Fair
The Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce is holding its sixth annual Job Fair on Feb. 7, from 1-6 p.m. at Columbia Falls High School, 610 13th Street West. The event will include a student job fair, networking and a public job fair. The deadline for businesses to register is Feb. 3, and can be done at columbiafallschamber.org
Tourism survey
The Montana Department of Commerce is working with regional tourism organizations to develop individual resilience plans that ensure the long-term success of each region’s visitor economy, and they want local business feedback as part of the initiative. The survey is open until Jan. 31 and should take about 15 minutes to complete at research.net/r/MT-stakeholder-resiliency-planning
Manufacturing and International Trade Day
The Montana Chamber and the Montana Manufacturing Association are bringing together manufacturing leaders, executives, and workers alongside business associations and local chamber members for the 2023 Manufacturing and International Trade Day. The event includes seminars and keynotes tailored to manufacturing and trade as well as a trade show. The event is on March 16 from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. in Helena. Registration is $75 per person and can be done at montanachamber.com/events/manufacturing-international-trade-day