Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Letters to the editor July 20

| July 20, 2023 12:00 AM

Rebate is a coverup

Did you all get the red, white and blue postcard in the mail advertising that we can apply for property tax relief (up to $675) by filling out a form? Did you also get the property tax assessment that says our taxes are going up dramatically? The first is a temporary coverup of the latter.

According to former Gov. Brian Schweitzer, prior to the Montana Legislature going into session, “the Montana Department of Revenue warned the Legislature and governor that home appraisals had increased by 43 percent and unless they took action, property taxes were going to rise substantially.” Instead of voting to provide tax relief and mitigate this oncoming tax increase, they spent much of the state’s surplus on providing a temporary tax refund that you have to apply for in order to receive.

On top of that, the tax assessment notification appears to come from the county. It did not, it is a state led appraisal process and state law only allows local governments to raise spending by a small percent unless voted on by local voters. The extra money will go to the state of Montana, to be spent on who knows what?

It’s not too late. In a recent guest opinion published in newspapers around Montana, Schweitzer suggested that “the Republican legislative leaders and the governor need to call a press conference and admit they made a mistake in raising your property taxes. They need to work with the Revenue Department to craft a one-page bill...that would stop this property tax increase on homeowners,” he wrote. And lastly, call “a one-day session, pass the bill to stop the property tax increase and go home.”

Remember that this increase will be permanent, whereas the postcard rebate that you have to apply for is temporary, providing one year of relief and at the same time wiping out the state’s surplus that could be put to good work and programs in need.

In the meantime, I will apply for the property tax refund and donate it to nonprofits who serve Lincoln County, like the food pantry, volunteer fire and ambulance, Friends of the Shelter, Sunburst Arts & Education and more. At least I can put my tax money to work in my community in the way I would like. I challenge my community members to do the same. And ask your legislators and governor to do what is right and stop this dramatic rise in property taxes. They have the power to do so but do they have the will?

— Ellen Sullivan, Eureka

Truth about Flathead Lake’s water level

Mark Agather (Daily Inter Lake, July 17) wrote the drawdown of Flathead Lake “is the inevitable result of the disastrous passage of the CSKT Water Compact.” But he shows no data or valid argument to support his claim.

The drawdown happened because the Energy Keepers, who own and operate the dam, let water outflow exceed water inflow. They could do this because present water laws do not make it a priority to maintain the lake level during the summer over the claims of downriver water users. The solution is to modify these laws to make maintaining the summer lake level the higher priority. This solution is possible.

The Energy Keepers’ over-release of water has nothing to do with the CSKT Compact. In fact, the compact uses the CSKT’s prior water rights over all downriver water users and shares these rights with Montana, to save water for Montana during real droughts. Without the compact, downriver water rights would prevail over Montana’s water rights during a drought. No sensible person wants to abolish the compact.

Mr. Agather further wrote, “you can help in this fight by becoming educated about this abomination by visiting the Western Montana Water Rights website.” His suggestion is not valid because that website ignores facts and promotes irrational conspiracy theories.

My book “Montana’s Last Indian Water Compact,” is a much better source to “become educated” about the CSKT Compact. My book details the testimonies of compact proponents and opponents, the legal basis and benefits of the Compact, and the opponents’ 15 irrational reasons and 6 invalid legal reasons to block the compact.

Opponents did not give one valid reason to oppose the Compact and they still have no valid reason to oppose the Compact. Compact opponents simply ignore the facts, as Mr. Agather has done.

The radical left believes our CO2 emissions caused a climate change that lowered the lake level. The radical right believes the CSKT Compact lowered the lake level. Neither is correct.

It is past time for people to stop believing myths and start thinking rationally about water, energy and climate.

— Ed Berry, Bigfork