Friday, July 05, 2024

Letters to the editor June 22

| June 22, 2023 12:00 AM

Banking regulations

The Democrat-controlled mainstream media (the greatest threat to our democracy) has accused former President Donald Trump of the recent bank failures because he signed legislation reducing bank regulations. But the legislation he signed was created by the Senate Banking Committee, where Sen. Jon Tester played a significant role.

Recently, the CEO of the failed Silicon Valley Bank (whose millionaire and billionaire depositors, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom, were bailed out 100% ), testified before Tester’s banking committee that he had no intent of returning any of the millions in bank stock he sold just before the banks failure. Yet, Tester has vowed to hold the bank officials and regulators accountable. When pigs fly!

Tester’s campaign coffers have received $369,000 from commercial banks, pretty much guaranteeing he will do nothing to punish them. Remember this when you vote next year.

— Philip L. Barney, Polson