Legals for June, 25 2023
No. 29502 Notice of Public Hearing and Comment Period on Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality The Montana Water Quality Act and Federal Clean Water Act require the State of Montana at least every three years to review and, as appropriate, modify adopted standards of water quality. The Department of Environmental Quality (Department) opened a public comment period on May 12, 2023, and is holding a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing Montana’s water quality standards. Montana’s water quality standards include the Administrative Rules of Montana Title 17, Chapter 30, subchapters 5 (mixing zones), 6 (water quality standards), 7 (nondegradation), and 10 (groundwater protection), and Department Circulars DEQ-7 and DEQ-12A. Beginning on May 12, 2023, the Department is soliciting comments from all interested persons regarding potential revision to any aspect of Montana’s water quality standards. You are invited to submit data, views, or arguments concerning water quality standards orally or in writing. Comments should identify the water quality standard at issue, any suggested revision to the standard, and the basis for the suggested revision, including technical information. On June 28, 2023, the Department will hold a hybrid public hearing to hear comments on water quality standards at 11:00 am in room 111 of the Metcalf Building at 1520 E 6th Avenue, Helena, Montana. More information, including instructions for attending the public hearing remotely via Zoom and links to the rules and Department circulars, is available on the Department website at Data, views, or arguments may be submitted in writing no later than 5:00 pm on June 28, 2023, by email to, or by mail to Water Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana, 59620-0901. The Department will make reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this public hearing or need an alternative accessible format for this notice. If you require accommodation, please advise the Department of the nature of the accommodation that you need no later than 5:00 p.m., June 19, 2023, by contacting Katie Makarowski at Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana 59620-0901; phone (406) 444-3639; or email June 11, 18, 25, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 29533 AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLISH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR AFTERSCHOOL CONTRACTED TRANSIT SERVICES The Flathead County Board of Commissioners is requesting proposals from local, afterschool childcare organizations/programs interested in contracting with Flathead County’s public transit provider, Mountain Climber for contracted afterschool transit services, pursuant to the requirements of Title 18 et seq., M.C.A. Services available include transportation from Schools to local afterschool childcare organizations/programs within our Kalispell coverage area. Service is limited to a maximum of (3) Mountain Climber buses between the hours of 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Flathead County is requesting proposals from organizations interested in contracting with Mountain Climber for afterschool transit services. Copies of the detailed RFP, including services available, the minimum content of proposals, and the factors used to evaluate the proposals, can be found on the Flathead County webpage at: or by contacting Elizabeth Wood, Flathead County Mountain Climber, 1333 Willow Glen Dr., Kalispell, MT 59901 - (406) 758-2130 / All proposals must be submitted to the Flathead County Commissioners Office, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, MT 59901, by 4:00 pm local time on July 17, 2023. Flathead County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Dated this 13th day of June, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/Brad W. Abell Brad W. Abell, Chairman June 18, 25, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 29534 Polson School District #23 is soliciting qualifications from individuals or firms interested in serving as as a General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) in accordance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 5, MCA. The selected GC/CM will participate in a collaborative process to assist, as a partner, with the District, the Project Architect, and the other members of the design team for the planning, design, and construction for its Elementary, Middle School, and High School Bond Renovation and Addition Project. Voters approved bond amounts up to $23,315,000 million for its elementary district and $16,645,000 for its high school district (for a total of $39,960,000 for the entire project). Prospective GC/CM candidates may obtain a Qualifications packet at the Polson School District Administration Building, 111 4th Ave. East, Polson, MT 59860, or by visiting the District’s website: Responses to this Request for Qualifications for GC/CM must be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the Qualification packet and will be received at the Polson School District Administration Building at the address listed above until July 7, 2023, at 4:00 pm, local time. FAX RESPONSES, INCOMPLETE RESPONSES AND RESPONSES RECEIVED AFTER THAT DATE AND TIME WILL BE DEEMED NON-COMPLIANT WITH THIS RFQ AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The intent of this solicitation is to identify qualified GC/CM candidates interested in participating in a collaborative process to bring the renovation and additions of the elementary schools, middle school, and high school to fruition in a timely and cost-efficient manner. From the list of interested and qualified GC/CM candidates as determined by a selection committee established by the District, the finalists will proceed to a Request for Proposal process in accordance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 5, MCA. From those finalists, the District will select the GC/CM firm which is best qualified and best suits the District’s needs and intent regarding the Project. It is anticipated that the selected GC/CM will initially provide Preconstruction phase services and will move forward with the provision of Construction phase services. The GC/CM shall comply with all fair labor practices and must meet the requirements of all local, state, and federal statutes. This Request for Qualifications does not commit the Board of Trustees for Polson School District to enter into any agreement, or to pay any expenses incurred in the preparation of any response to this request, or to ultimately procure any contract for the provision of these services. The Board of Trustees expressly reserves the right to waive any formalities and to reject any or all proposals. June 18, 25, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 29540 NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FY24 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Big Mountain Sewer District, Flathead County, Montana intends to: 1. Approve the preliminary budget for FY24. Details are available for public inspection by contacting Big Mountain Sewer District, The Big Mountain Sewer District Board will meet on the 6th day of July, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. in the Northern Lights Conference Room, Kandahar Lodge, 3824 Big Mountain Road, Whitefish, MT 59937. The meeting may also be attended via ZOOM, please contact for ZOOM link. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the hearing and will be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Big Mountain Sewer District Board if received prior to the hearing. For further information please contact Leslie Bales, Administrative Manager, telephone 406-249-5669. Done by the Order of the Board of Directors of Big Mountain County Sewer District, Montana this 15th day of June, 2023. Big Mountain County Sewer District Leslie Bales, Secretary June 25, July 2, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________