Thursday, October 17, 2024

Law roundup: Not a clean getaway for toothbrush thief

by Daily Inter Lake
| March 14, 2023 12:00 AM

A man possibly seeking a healthy smile was detained for trying to steal a toothbrush. Kalispell Police Department issued the man a citation, advised him of a warrant and released him.

Someone was suspicious of a dancing man who was allegedly pulling things out of a vehicle and being “weird.”

Someone complained about having to clean up after transients reportedly hanging out in a building’s stairwell, in the dumpster and in some tall bushes on a daily basis. They were also tired of telling people to move along when they took the garbage out and wanted to know what options were available to help the situation. The building was added to a list for extra patrol and permission was given to kick people off the property after hours.

A business was reportedly worried a former client who called demanding a file might break in to get it and they requested extra patrol. They told officers that the client used their services two to three decades ago and the file might not exist anymore.

Someone allegedly received threatening emails from a client’s ex and wanted law enforcement aware of the situation in case the sender acted on any of the threats.

A fraudulent $40 check from an old account that was closed was reportedly used at a grocery store.

A crafty customer allegedly got a loan against a vehicle two days before trading it in without telling the dealership.