Monday, September 30, 2024

Marion man receives deferred sentence for misdemeanor charge

Daily Inter Lake | March 22, 2023 12:00 AM

A Marion man brought up on a felony charge for allegedly pointing a handgun at his then girlfriend’s father in June 2022 received a deferred sentence after striking a plea deal late last year.

Prosecutors agreed to amend the felony charge against Travis Paul Kary, 41, to misdemeanor negligent endangerment Dec. 14, 2022. Kary pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor in Flathead County District Court on Dec. 22.

Judge Heidi Ulbricht handed down a deferred one-year sentence that same day. Giving Kary credit for 31 days of time served, she also ordered him to undergo mental health and chemical dependency evaluations, and pay a fine and surcharge.

Kary allegedly pulled out the gun when his then girlfriend’s father came to their Marion home on June 20 to visit his daughter.

According to court documents, Kary eventually lowered the gun and got into his vehicle. That’s when the older man drew his pistol and disarmed Kary before contacting authorities, court documents said.

News Editor Derrick Perkins can be reached at 758-4430 or