Thursday, December 12, 2024

Letters to the editor May 9

| May 9, 2023 12:00 AM

Media praise for Zephyr

I am impressed at how fast our national and local news media painted Rep. Zooey Zephyr as a victim of persecution.

She refused to apologize for mocking prayers to God with “blood on your hands” if the Legislature prevented minors from genital mutilation and hormone replacement therapy. To be honest, both sides of the aisle say things they regret, and the mark of an honest heart in my mind is the ability to apologize because we all mess up from time to time. There was and will be no apology from the representative.

Later there was a planned protest in the House chambers that ended the legislative activity with some demonstrators being arrested. I do not remember any other legislators having the moxie to disrupt the people’s house for their own self-righteous indignation and having the national media praise their efforts.

As adults, do what you want to do, but why must this political movement sexualize children? Why does this movement resemble open pedophilia for children’s developing minds?

— David Dunn, Kalispell

Parents need to get involved

Okay folks, you banned your school levies. You don’t want to pay more taxes. Understandable. Now I have some questions for you.

Are willing to fundraise for your school?

Are you willing to join PTAs, or have your kids go door to door trying to sell chocolate bars so they can raise money for new sports uniforms, much needed technology and library books?

Are you willing to donate toward better playground equipment and necessary facility upgrades?

I have been a volunteer in many parts of the community. I currently volunteer at my children’s school. From sports to field trip chaperones to PTO organizations, the same few parents tend to be the primary volunteers. Many hands would truly make the work lighter, but with the rising cost of living multiple incomes are needed and that diminishes the pool of volunteers.

A lot of you may have moved here in the past three years. You love the small-town dynamics. FYI, small towns run on volunteers, from our rural fire departments, neighbors helping neighbors, hunters’ education, and community and school sports leagues. (Not to mention the work of caring for our unhoused neighbors). If you have the benefits of working from home, please consider joining one of the many areas where volunteers are needed. Show up to a PTA meeting and find out what’s needed.

My kids will be able to go on field trips that I cannot afford because of the work the PTO does to fundraise. They have opportunities the school’s budget cannot provide.

As mother, as a volunteer, as a citizen of the Flathead Valley, I am asking you to think about how you contribute to making this place safe, welcoming, and beautiful.

— Caitlin Mallery, Kalispell

What will it take?

I admire Gov. Greg Gianforte’s son’s lobbying for open hearts regarding LBGTQs in our community. I’m particularly impressed at his regarding his father’s opposition to their human rights as having to do with keeping the support of other conservatives.

It occurs to me that there is a kind of disconnect about reasonable gun laws. What if a Republican senator or member of Congress had a child who was the victim of a mass shooting? I wish that on no one, but would even that cause a change of heart in said politician?

I guess it all comes down to “what will it take.”

— Lenny Granger, Columbia Falls