Whitefish City Council looks at revamp of landscape standards
Whitefish City Council on Monday is set to turn over a new leaf regarding the city’s landscape standards.
Council will consider approving wholesale changes to the city zoning code regarding landscaping requirements for most developments, adding a new landscape buffer requirement along U.S. 93 for certain zoning and creating new tree retention requirements.
City Council meets at 7:10 p.m. at City Hall, 418 E. Second St.
The last time revisions were made to the landscaping chapter of city code was in 2008. Last year Council set a goal for the Planning Department to update the regulations.
During the review process, city staff examined landscape regulations for seven Montana cities, and others in the northwest and around the country. Changes were also sent to landscape firms and architects locally for review and comment.
The new landscape requirements apply to all developments except for single-family detached homes, and require landscaping based on performance standards rather than area size as was in the previous regulations.
The new regulations set requirements for drought-tolerant landscaping, prohibit more than 50% of ground cover as mulch or rock, and set requirements that 50% of landscaping be native to Montana.
New requirements have been added for street frontage landscaping and internal parking islands. A new landscaping setback of up to 30 feet for the WB-2 zoning district on U.S. 93 would now be required between East 13th Street and the Montana 40 intersection.
Regarding trees, new detailed requirements set out what is necessary for a tree preservation plan and sets standards for when trees need to be preserved and how trees that are removed must be replaced. Language has been added that recognizes that tree removal is sometimes impractical and allows for relief from the requirement for replacement in certain circumstances.
ALSO ON the agenda, Council will consider a request from Flathead Electric Co-op for a utility easement for city property at the Emergency Services Center Building.
The utility is installing electrical service to the rear of the Hurrah! Balm building on Flathead Avenue and expect to encroach on city property to avoid the business’ drain field. Council must approve an ordinance allowing for the easement.
During a work session at 6 p.m., Council is set to meet with TischlerBise on an impact fee study review.
Features Editor Heidi Desch may be reached at 758-4421 or hdesch@dailyinterlake.com.