Commissioners look at KM Ranch proposal
Flathead County commissioners on Tuesday are set to consider a zoning change that could pave the way for a residential development along KM Ranch Road.
Montarise Developments is seeking to change the zoning on 155 acres just north of the county landfill near U.S. 93 from SAG-5 suburban agricultural to R-2.5 rural residential, reducing the minimum lot size from 5 acres to 2.5 acres.
A public hearing is scheduled for 10:15 a.m. before the commissioners at the Historic Courthouse, 800 S. Main St. in Kalispell.
This is the second time Montarise has applied for a zone change for the property, which is on the north side of KM Ranch Road. The county Planning Board in February gave a negative recommendation for the current proposal saying again that new zoning would not be appropriate for the area. The first plan looked to change the zoning to a minimum lot size of 1 acre.
Montarise representatives have said the project is designed to create needed housing in the Flathead Valley. However, neighbors have continued to voice concerns about increasing traffic, impacts to water quality and changes to the character of the neighborhood.
Though Montarise is only seeking a rezone at this time, company representatives have presented plans saying the intention is to apply for a planned unit development that would have the potential for 103 housing units on the property — 33 single-family units, 32 multi-family “adult bungalow” units, 26 recreational rental cabins and 12 hospice care dwelling units.
The Montarise property is undeveloped and forested. Under current zoning, the property could be developed with about 30 lots.
Many of the properties in the surrounding area are low-density residential, but there is higher-density residential across U.S. 93 to the east in the Happy Valley subdivision.
Features Editor Heidi Desch may be reached at 758-4421 or