Law roundup: Woman thinks somebody’s watching her
A woman had a gut feeling that her car was being tracked and reportedly suspected her “control freak” daughter-in-law who had previously installed apps on her phone.
A woman was ticked off to find transients allegedly hanging out in a park pavilion she rented for a party and they were refusing to leave. The disgusted woman said the individuals were rude to her and she would be asking for a refund.
Someone allegedly saw a man beat a woman carrying a backpack who was on the ground, yelling at him.
Someone contacted the police to do a welfare check on a man who hadn’t been seen for days by a neighbor, wasn’t responding to their knocks on his door and had no operational vehicles. Officers located the man in the basement with his dog where they reportedly had been for two to three days without food or water because his joints were so swollen he couldn’t get out of bed or get his phone.
A woman reportedly took a friend’s word that she could just drive on a bicycle path to drop them off.
Two pit bulls wandering around allegedly charged and cornered a man in his garage. While not injured the shaken man told officers he almost had to shoot them and had questions if he could legally do so if it happened again.
A man claiming he called four times complaining about noisy neighbors said if he went out there, “he would draw blood.”
The owner of a GMC was cited for parking in the access aisle of a space designated for people with disabilities without a permit.
A man who reportedly kept stealing beer from a store returned and made a beeline for the beer aisle, although he couldn’t walk straight, so an employee escorted him out of the building and told officers they weren’t sure if he had stolen again but wanted him banned from the property. Officers issued a citation for theft and released him.