Friday, December 13, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 24

| October 24, 2023 12:00 AM

False knowledge

Hello folks. It’s that time again, election time.

I like to think of myself as a well-informed voter. I parce the local and world news. I read and reread candidate’s statements, and I study at great length the issues and measures we are to decide on.

Every election cycle I ask myself if the status quo should go or stay. Will new blood be the cure for our ails or at least begin to bring a fresh perspective and new tools to work through our city’s “issues.” Can positive change happen in a reasonable time, measured in something I’ll be able to understand and realize?

Does your vision for how our cities and counties need to flourish align with the candidates’ visions and the measures that are to be voted on? You need to inform yourself and you need to do it before you cast your ballot.

Please join me and the hundreds of informed voters who vote their mind and not what someone tells them to.

Beware of false knowledge — it is more dangerous than ignorance, said one George Bernard Shaw.

— Skeeter Johnston, Whitefish

War spending

I suppose that after President Biden has asked the taxpayers for $60 billion to help Israel raze Gaza, he will have the chutzpah to ask us for $600 billion to rebuild the city.

­— Duane Egan, Columbia Falls