Thursday, October 10, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 30

| October 30, 2023 12:00 AM

Hunter for Ward 3

Ryan Hunter has represented Ward 3 in Kalispell passionately and diligently for the past four years. I appreciate his dedication to important social issues. Ryan takes a very strong community-oriented approach to representing his ward and fights hard for what he believes is best for his constituents.

I think it is beneficial for our community leaders to have skills and experience specifically oriented toward the positions in which they serve. Ryan’s first-hand experience working for the Flathead Land Trust and his degree in urban planning make him uniquely qualified to make smart choices in the growth of our city. His support for more compact development is a natural complement to his work to conserve the wild character and natural heritage of local land.

— Kurt Vomfell, Kalispell

Vote for Columbia Falls locals

It’s hard to believe with all that goes on this time of year, getting gardens buttoned up, winterizing our homes and cars, and digging out our winter coats, that there is an important local election coming up next week, Tuesday, Nov. 7.

You have already received your ballots in the mail and I just want to encourage you to vote for the three candidates that have all grown up here in Columbia Falls: Kathy Shaffer Price, Kelly Hamilton King and John Piper. 

You can drop off your ballot at City Hall in Columbia Falls, (up to and including day of election) 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., 130 6th street west, or mail it for 60 cents (one week before) or drop off at Kalispell Election office 290-B North Main Street. 

During a recent candidate forum at our local bowling alley, the fourth candidate on the ballot espoused how in favor he was for high-density subdivision developments and to build east of the river. When you’ve grown up in our (Gateway to Glacier) wonderful community you realize that adding several hundreds of bodies to our schools, our inadequate infrastructure (sewer/water) or our already burdened traffic concerns, you must serve your local government to make decisions based on what’s best for our community. 

I appreciate the years the fourth candidate has served, but it’s time for all of us to be active and involved in the direction our community is moving, please vote your ballot for the above-mentioned candidates. Every single vote counts. 

— Gary Hall, Columbia Falls

Community and honesty

We used to wave at every passing vehicle. You either knew the folks in the car, or appreciated that you were all in The Shire that is Whitefish. I would open up the Whitefish Pilot, and read, wide-eyed, a section called “Ida Says.” It was the Olney Briefs, written by 92-year-old Ida Honeywell. She would literally report on church sermons and picnics with relatives, letting us know that her niece’s pumpkin muffins came out especially good this year. 

That was in 1994, when I moved to Whitefish from New England. I’m a transplant too. (I met a fourth-generation Montanan who thought I was British when I told her where I was from). I have worked hard and played hard here since then, ultimately becoming a ski patroller, fishing guide and local literary journal editor. 

Your time is valuable so I’ll cut to a few salient points. Serving as a Whitefish City Councilor from 2008-2012, I learned about the value of civil discourse, and community. Frank, Rebecca and Steve know this. I met and worked with all three during my tenure and found we shared some things in common that I cherish: a love of community and honesty.  

They are thoughtful, insightful and open-minded. Their agenda is this community we all love! There is no money in it, there are zero perks and there is no glory. They are in this for us, willing to continue to endure long meetings, public criticism, and pour over thousands of pages of documents. As volunteers. For us. For Whitefish. No agenda save for seeking the most amenable solutions possible in our ever-transitioning town. They will work tirelessly to help Whitefish move forward in a positive direction as we continue to grow.

Whitefish is still the best town I’ve ever been a part of.  

­— Ryan Friel, Whitefish