Saturday, March 15, 2025

County planning board to vote on Bigfork subdivision, considers zoning for Lakeside

Daily Inter Lake | September 13, 2023 12:00 AM

The Flathead County Planning Board on Wednesday is to vote on a proposed subdivision for Bigfork and also consider a zoning plan for Lakeside.

The board is set to make a recommendation regarding the proposed Northshore Woods subdivision that has drawn strong opposition from residents. The 125 single-family home project is planned for 105 acres between Montana 35 and Bigfork Stage Road.

The county planning board meets at 6 p.m. in the South Campus Building at 40 11th St. W. in Kalispell. Recommendations from the planning board are forwarded to the Flathead County Commissioners for final consideration.

The board will look at a plan from the Upper West Shore Alliance that creates a new zoning district for just over 1,000 acres of property north of Lakeside’s town center alongside U.S. 93. The area of the unincorporated community is unzoned despite the Lakeside Neighborhood Plan recommending zoning for the community.

The exception is the scenic corridor zoning found along the highway which would remain if the new zoning is approved.

The effort to zone property in Lakeside began last year after plans emerged for the development of an alpine coaster. The attraction opened just north of the town earlier this year.

Since then the alliance has held community meetings regarding the zoning proposal and met with the county Planning Board during work sessions. The alliance notes in its application to the county that it has received letters of support from owners of 258 of the 449 parcels in the proposed district.

The proposed zoning includes seven different zoning designations ranging from R-2.5 to R-5. Zoning would be primarily implemented on the west side of the highway just south of Elias Lane running south to Saskatoon Drive. On the east side of the highway, zoning would occur for properties south of Pineview Drive to Caroline Point Road.

The applicant says the proposed zoning matches what was suggested by the neighborhood plan or follows what has already been developed on properties so as not to create a multitude of non-conforming lots.

The proposed zoning would manage density in the appropriate location and initiate standards that are non-existent in unzoned areas, the applicant states.

“The plan was thorough and thoughtful in analyzing all elements of the Lakeside community to ultimately recommend zoning designations,” the application says.

It goes on to note that community safety on U.S. 93 is of utmost concern to the Upper West Shore Alliance and the community.

“The petition zones the entire district residential, avoiding sprawling commercial development, which is this area remains unzoned would likely continue to develop on [U.S. 93],” it states.

ALSO ON the agenda, the board has several public hearings.

• A zone change request by Igor, Viktoriya and Dennis Serov to rezone about 10 acres at 4550 U.S. 93 near Whitefish from AG-40 to SAG-5.

• A zone change request from Grizzly Falls, LLC and Ronald Ferron for 12.71 acres at 231 West Reserve Drive near Kalispell from R-1 to R-5.

• A request from Nicholas and Jessica Milligan and Shawn and April Mahoney for a preliminary plat of Blaine View Subdivision at 243 and 245 Beartrap Road, Kalispell. The proposal would create two residential lots on 5 acres.

• A request by the Middle Canyon Land Use Advisory Committee for an amendment to the Flathead County Growth Policy to add the West Glacier Vision Plan as an addendum to the Canyon Plan, which is part of the Flathead County Growth Policy.

• A request for amendments to the county subdivision regulations to amend the roadway improvement requirements for subdivisions.

• A request to amend the county subdivision regulations in order to comply with changes in the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act.

Features Editor Heidi Desch may be reached at 758-4421 or