Saturday, October 05, 2024

Letters to the editor Aug. 1

| August 1, 2024 12:00 AM

A conservative plan

Regarding the letter of July 30, it was good advice to check out Project 2025.

It is a Heritage assembled plan by more than 400 scholars of varying expertise. There was no mention, that I discerned, about discarding Social Security nor Medicare. There was much about repealing regulations that serve the government rather than the people.

Basically, this is a conservative plan which promotes government of and for the people by reducing progressive regulations which control the people and enrich the government.

Project 2025 indeed has good information for consideration.

— BJ Levitt, Kalispell

Opening ceremony

I read about the Olympic opening ceremony committee apologizing if some were offended with their last supper portrayal, but not for their belligerence, hostility and crassness. 

They just wanted to let people know — too bad if you were offended; not our fault. You just have a problem, not us. You need to be tolerant of everyone no matter their behavior.

If there is no God, the only standard becomes what culture creates. So in history culture has created parades tossing people to lions, robbing and mass killing of Jews, Christians, Ukrainians, babies. Why not have parades with naked people and people having sex with each other and dogs and horses. Why not? Who’s to say there is anything wrong with it. We want to include everyone.

On the other hand, billions of us believe there is a God who defines law and holiness and justice and truth and life and caring compassionate love: Who is deeply offended with evil and wickedness. He loves everyone and offers a way for grace and forgiveness to all who will repent and accept by faith His payment for their sinful behavior. 

He goes further than that. He adopts them and makes them His children and gives them power over sin, death and hell. 

Did I write a bad word: Hell? Those of us who believe we have been born of His spirit and are His children also believe a day of reckoning is coming and those who have not repented of their sins and been born into His family will suffer eternal separation from the Lord.  It won’t be pretty and oh how I pray all men, women and children would turn to the Lord and be spared from such an horrendous fate.

— Synoia Olson, Lakeside

Wildlife crossing

Another deer killed on Woodland Avenue.  This time it was a fawn. Last year at this time another fawn died a slow and likely painful death. Both were alive after cars hit them and both were left in the road. The does watched, snorted and stomped their hooves, but there was nothing they could do. Wildlife mothers usually cross first. The young trail behind. It could be a bear and her cubs, a duck with her ducklings or a doe with her fawns. Please be cautious.  

I have lived in the Flathead for 40 years and seen many deer killed by vehicles. It cannot always be avoided, I know. Being cautious and driving slowly through these known areas would help to save some.  

How do visitors and new residents know where these animal crossings are? The signage warning of wildlife is lacking. Really lacking.  How about billboards entering town and at major points, the airport for one, letting people know we appreciate the beauty and wildlife here. Including turtles crossing the road (they need a break), low flying birds like robins, swallows, flickers, searching for bugs for their brood, etc. Please respect all.

Many changes are occurring in the Flathead Valley. The wildlife should not be the ones to pay the price.

— JoAnn Vitovec, Kalispell