Saturday, October 05, 2024

Letters to the editor Aug. 13

| August 13, 2024 12:00 AM

Tourist turnoff

Where are the police in Kalispell? 

I was a tourist in town for two nights, one being on Friday night. As my wife and I walked to a restaurant we saw drag racing, loud cars and trucks and cars spinning tires. All this on Main Street. 

Not a good image for tourists. 

I asked the hotel desk clerk if this town had a police force. She said it was normal for a Friday night. 

What a shame on such a neat little tourist town. We were on a bus of 45 people. We all talked about it the next morning at breakfast. 

Hope you can solve this problem for future tourists.

— Ken Stooksbury, Knoxville, Tenn.

Full pool

I am writing to express my sincere and enthusiastic congratulations to the CEO of Energy Keepers, Inc., for his unparalleled achievement in maintaining Flathead Lake at full pool this year. It is truly remarkable how he managed this feat despite our rather underwhelming snowpack. It seems that he has unlocked the ancient secrets of water management that have eluded mere mortals for centuries.

Who would have thought that maintaining a lake’s water level could be as simple as just, well, keeping it full? The ingenuity! The foresight! The brilliance of it all leaves me speechless. If only other areas could follow this shining example, the world would be a much more hydrated place.

Given the astonishing success of keeping Flathead Lake at full pool this year, I propose that this should become the gold standard for all future water management endeavors. If our valiant CEO can achieve such greatness during a year of low snowpack, imagine the potential in years of average precipitation.

Moreover, I believe this monumental success warrants a significant raise for our esteemed CEO. In fact, perhaps a parade in his honor or a new holiday — Full Pool Day would be appropriate.

In addition to keeping the lake full, I must also extend my deepest thanks for how impeccably clean the water has been this year. It is as though each molecule has been individually polished to a brilliant shine.

In conclusion, let us all raise a glass of pristine Flathead water in toast to our water management maestro. May his methods become the envy of all who dare to dream of lakes as full and clean as ours.

­— Daniel Gaugler, Polson

Tester’s dance

For a big guy like Sen. Jon Tester you have to be impressed how he has such balance he can turn on a dime. The guy who fat mouthed about the idiocy of building the wall on our southern border and has done nothing for three and a half years is suddenly on TV telling us he’s been for border security all along.

And what about his boast of seeing President Biden often and saying he is just fine. I think he even said he was doing a good job. That is until his puppeteer Sen. Chuck Schumer and gang tossed Biden. Then he suddenly calls for the guy doing such a great job to resign. I bet he can do a pirouette. 

It’s hard to believe Montanans have drank the Kool Aid that this guy is out for anyone but himself. He’s now a millionaire and that wouldn’t have happened back on the family farm.

Wake up.

— Ed Kugler, Kalispell

Movie review

Are you concerned about your day, your future and those you love? Amid the clamor of political news, rumors of World War 3, drug use and crime, there is hope.

I just saw the move “The Firing Squad.” Please run to the movie theater where ever you live. You will walk out of the theater feeling hopeful and encouraged.

— Jean Ambrose, Kalispell