Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Law roundup: Woman worries fight with the devil will bother guests

by Daily Inter Lake
| August 14, 2024 12:00 AM

A man was reportedly heard screaming that he was fighting the devil and a woman called the Kalispell Police Department worried that his spiritual warfare would bother her guests. 

A grocery bag filled with needles and a license plate was allegedly found by a store employee who was given instructions on how to dispose of it. 

A woman wearing plaid pajamas and pigtails was ticketed and released for trespassing. 

A man driving home allegedly saw his “baby mamma” walking on the road toward his house and stopped to check on her. They began arguing about who he was seeing and about her doing drugs. At some point, she reportedly grabbed a toy from the backseat of his truck and used it to crack the windshield. Officers advised him to get a parenting plan in place and briefly spoke to the woman who accused him of being abusive in the past, refused assistance and hung up. 

A man reportedly walking down the street “talking crazy” told someone’s son “Now I know where you live” as he was getting out of his vehicle. The parent had concerns because of the man’s purported “past volatile actions involving a gun.” 

Someone reportedly drove by Woodland Park and nearly hit a barefoot drunk woman walking in the middle of the road. Although they drove her to a store, they were wary of leaving her on her own. She declined law enforcement assistance. 

Officers spoke to the registered owner of a Lexus pickup about driving recklessly and having consideration for others on the road after someone’s dashboard camera recorded him speeding and racing with a tan Chevy Suburban. The officer also advised him to pass along the message to his buddy in the Suburban. 

Someone was suspicious of a man who allegedly had a “road closed” sign in the back of a white Chevy Tahoe with stickers all over it. 

Someone purportedly saw through a neighbor’s transparent curtains to see a child doing “inappropriate things,” yet would not elaborate. Finding it disturbing, they wanted to go over to the neighbor’s house and let an adult know what was happening but thought law enforcement should instead. 

A property owner was counseled by officers on her options after she allegedly asked for a civil standby to take photos of a home she wanted to sell when the tenants were not allowing it.