Saturday, October 05, 2024

Letters to the editor Aug. 27

| August 27, 2024 12:00 AM

Hard-working Montanans

I don’t think Gov. Greg Gianforte cares about hard-working Montanans. It would have taken one simple bill to head off the huge property tax hikes that property owners were hit with in 2023. The last four governors — two Democrats and two Republicans — figured it out. They lowered the tax rate after the property tax appraisals came in much higher and, as a result, saved Montanans from massive tax increases.

Gianforte was told this would happen, but he chose to ignore it. Sure, he cut a few rebate checks to those who were able to sift through the maze of confusion before his deadline. But many, including rental property owners, received zero in rebates.

On top of allowing higher property taxes, Gianforte also signed off on a bill that bans rent control, allowing landlords, including out-of-state, corporate rental property owners, to raise rents whenever they want. Higher rents mean renters need higher wages and when business owners have to pay more in wages, they have to raise the prices of their products and services.

All Gianforte wants to do is play the blame game and point his finger toward others for his disastrous inflation — inducing policies. I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with his excuses. That’s why I’m voting for Ryan Busse for governor. Ryan is a straight shooter who’s tired of hearing about Montanans who have to leave our state because they can no longer afford to live here.

Unlike Gianforte, Ryan Busse actually cares about hard-working Montanans and will fix this mess.

— Jana Gorton, Kalispell

Boasting veteran

I recently read Tim Sheehy’s guest editorial where he described reasonable questions about his history as an attack and shameful. I find this ironic given Mr. Sheehy’s own conduct.

Mr. Sheehy is a veteran, and I appreciate his service. I have had the privilege of being part of the veteran community for decades. I count many veterans, including combat veterans, as friends. I have never heard a fellow veteran describe him or herself as a war hero or warrior like Mr. Sheehy does regularly. Banners, yard signs, mailers and even his jacket emblazoned with the term warrior. Mr. Sheehy’s shameless attempts to capitalize on the veteran experience is shameful.

Mr. Sheehy boasts he created jobs, and he built a successful business. Mr. Sheehy admits he used government loans to help start his businesses and he likely benefited from disabled veteran preference in receiving government contracts.  

Most of his business is funded by government contracts. It would seem the American taxpayers created these jobs and enabled him to get rich. The American taxpayers has underwritten the rich multimillionaire lifestyle that Mr. Sheehy enjoys that includes homes in Bozeman, Big Sky, Flathead and a ranch. He shows no gratitude or humility for the support he has received from average Americans. This Mr. Sheehy is shameful.

Mr. Sheehy went on to say “let’s not forget” the dozens of successful careers created for veterans or millions donated to charitable causes. I don’t think we can forget because he uses every opportunity to take credit for the success of these hard-working veterans and go on about charitable donations that were made possible through the redistribution of dollars from hard working Americans to Mr. Sheehy bank accounts.  

Just shameful. 

— Joseph Dunn, Clancy