Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Letters to the editor Dec. 17

| December 17, 2024 12:00 AM

Inflation madness

You can never catch up — to inflation that is. Inflation is the most insidious, destructive policy ever devised from the perspective of the average working person who just cannot win. Only government and the stock market end up prospering. In reality, inflation is codified theft. 

You see, keeping up with wage growth is not about gross pay — it is about “take home” pay. I remember back in the latter 70s and 80s when inflation was so high, I had employees who said they needed a $100 raise just to stay even — I said, “I agree.” But I said to remember that a $100 raise only put $80 in their pocket after all deductions for Social Security and tax withholding was taken into account. Further, remember that that your $100 raise costs me $120 given my costs of Social Security, unemployment, workers comp and the like. Just to keep even I must raise my prices to you and the public accordingly. It is kind of like a dog chasing its tail.  You just can’t keep up. 

The federal government is the big winner as increased taxes keep pouring in every year, which Congress freely spends buying votes and subsidizing pet programs like the Green New Deal. And let’s not forget about the stock market, what with people’s IRAs, 401Ks and other retirement programs sending billions of dollars into that system which primarily tilts its returns to the big boys and girls who invest millions of dollars. 

I suggest we should demand the following: A balanced budget as it is excess government spending which creates inflation; do away with all subsidies, period; only fund agencies which are absolutely necessary for the core principle operations of our federal government; give back to the states much more control over the land, resources and programs they feel they need and can afford; and finally go back to a gold backed money standard which is the only mechanism available to keep a fence around  Congress’ unsatiable desire to keep spending keeping inflation at even. 

Otherwise, you can only keep going backward leaving the government and the stock market as the only winners. If you vote for politicians who can only spend and not cut, then I guess all that I can say is “You deserve the inevitable result.”

— Mark Agather, Kalispell