Saturday, December 14, 2024

Letters to the editor Feb. 15

| February 15, 2024 12:00 AM


A recent letter by Dr. Myerowitz proposes a “limited” pro-abortion position that is presented as an appeal to the majority of what he terms rational people. His conservative answer to the abortion question is rooted in the same liberalism that underlies the societal dysfunction that is also found in every form of leftism..

Liberalism is the divorce of reason (the exercise of the mind) from revealed truth. Rather than leading to a utopian ideal, however, liberated reason allowed and continues to allow us to justify our manipulation of others, as individuals, social groups and government, for personal or collective gain unrestrained by Christ’s revelation, even to the point of amorality. Because of our refusal to acknowledge liberalism as the cause of our social ills, we are unable to correct them, and our end is liberal tyranny, a Hell on earth.

This unfettered supremacy of reason, manifest as the supposed will of the people in the U.S., has morphed liberty into a pagan and licentious devaluation of human life, and most often at the expense of the most helpless, which for the present discussion is a holocaust of the unborn. Yet we are so imbued with the splendor of liberalism in this country that most turn a blind eye, for who wants to give up being their own god?

But, if we instead utilize our reason to seek the light of truth, then we can not deny that an innocent human life begins at conception, and yes, even those due to rape or incest. That quest will lead us toward a recommitment to value all humans starting at their most vulnerable with a true charity, one reflective of moral accountability to that Truth, one that rejects liberalism, and one that doesn’t leave us in the cesspool we have sunken into, especially over the past 60 years.

 The issue of abortion is merely one proof that flawed man (and woman) are incapable of creating a just and moral society absent divine help. There are terrible consequences when man replaces God. There are no Ubermensch, as Hitler and the WEF have demonstrated. Long ago Nietzsche celebrated the Enlightenment and its liberalism as that which made God dead. Is he really? 

— Michael Boharski, Kalispell