Sunday, March 30, 2025

FHS Theatre presents adventurous heartfelt story

| January 4, 2024 12:00 AM

Can a squirrel change the human heart? Flathead High School Theatre will explore the question when they present “Flora and Ulysses,” an adventurous and heartfelt story appropriate for all ages about flying superheroes, poetry, and friendship, on Jan. 10 and 11 at 6:27 pm in the David M. Hashley Theatre at FHS. 

Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $6 for children, students and senior citizens. Tickets for elementary students are free for this production. Advanced tickets for the show are available on GoFan, Flathead’s online ticketing service. To access the ticketing service, go to and search for Flathead High School.  Each night of the production is listed for ticket purchase. Tickets are also available at the FHS Main Office and Photo Video Plus.

When a squirrel is rescued from a vacuum cleaner by 10-year-old Flora she soon discovers he has been reborn as a superhero who can suddenly understand Flora, fly, and even write poetry. Together they embark on an adventure full of quirky characters, visions of hope and magical moments bursting with heart.

“The story is about believing in the impossible,” said the director, Luke Johnson. “It is full of fun characters who work together to tell the message that we have to believe that good things will happen in order to see them happen, and often we see those things in each other.” 

“Flora and Ulysses” is written by Kate DiCamillo, who also wrote other notable children’s books such as “Mercy Watson” and “A Tale of Despereaux.”  

“I loved to read Kate DiCamillo’s stories to my daughters as they were growing up,” Johnson said. “She creates fun, whimsical characters that I always loved reading aloud because when acted out they are endearing. The same thing happens on stage. Her characters are fun to watch and fun to play.” 

“Flora and Ulysses” is a fun, fast moving comedy that will keep all ages wrapped up in the adventure. Along with the storyline, puppets will be adding magic and creativity to the story.  The show uses puppets to bring some of the animals to life.  

“We wanted to experiment with how to make puppets come alive on stage, which they certainly do,” said Johnson. “For example, we have three squirrel puppets that all look the same, a rod puppet, a flying puppet, and a hand puppet that are used interchangeably to create Ulysses.  The puppeteers had to learn how to use, move, act, speak and express themselves to make these puppets come to life.”

This production of “Flora and Ulysses” is presented by the Acting 2 IB Class at Flathead High School.  As part of a theater curriculum that boasts nine different classes, the Acting 2 class, gives students opportunities to practice a variety of theater skills and study the relationship between the play’s themes and the actions of the characters within the play.  Through a full-length production, the students can then explore the process of bringing a script to life on stage.  

“This energetic Acting 2 class worked hard to produce a fun show that has a great message. They are a small group that have large ideas. They thrive at creating characters that develop a story.  Like Flora, they have been able to believe in great things by looking and leaning into each other,” said Johnson.

The cast of “Flora and Ulysses” includes Lou Corbett, Adina Lockwood, Mackenzie Westphal, Ryan Kitzmiller, Sophia Bennett, Lily Strong, Kennedy Dortch and Nat Young.

Behind the scenes, Ali Putzler, Simon Ort,  Axel Jones,  Iris Bruce, Ava Plum, Myla Johnson, Aubrie Mannon, Gracyne Johnson, Jax Stebbins-Han, Benjamin Moore, Fallon Maas, and Hadley Dennison make up the stage, lighting, and sound crews.