Letters to the editor Jan. 8
History lesson
Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump did not both stand for freedom and “the American way.”
Abraham Lincoln was honest and worked incessantly to bring Americans together. Donald Trump is dishonest (see 91 indictments for example) and works incessantly to create divisions between Americans.
Perhaps Mr. Manka, in West Virginia, missed the Lincoln portions of his American history class.
— Rayne Beach, Whitefish
Real conservatives
I’m 77. My dad was a truck driver and a Democrat until he built a trucking business and became a Republican. My wife’s dad worked his entire life in a kiln making sewer pipe and was a die hard Democrat until the 1980s. The distinction was clear. Not so anymore.
The Republican Party thought George H. W. Bush was the answer, and he was a globalist. In 2008, they thought the right guy was John McCain when real Republicans everywhere knew he wasn’t. In 2012, they were sure Mitt Romney was the man, when patriots knew all along: Mitt is a flaming liberal. In 2016, the party was sure Jeb Bush was the answer until patriots got behind the guy who really represents them, Donald Trump.
From the beginning, Republicans in Congress smiled to his face while they stabbed him in the back all the way to 2020. Then they collectively threw the people’s choice under the bus. Today, in 2024, and the party is behind globalist Nikki Haley, who is as establishment as they come.
It’s not just the national GOP. Montana is as bad or worse. The infighting among the party faithful is legendary across Montana. The party that thought Judy Martz was the answer still thinks Marc Racicot is a conservative. Then they welcome an unknown, Tim Sheehy, as the one to beat Sen. Jon Tester simply because Sen. Mitch McConnell chose him.
A wise man once said, “We cannot solve our current problems at the same level of thinking that got us here.”
The GOP doesn’t represent the people; they represent the good ole GOP. Nationally or under the Big Sky, if you are a tried and true patriot, you’re out of luck. God help us, because the GOP isn’t going to.
— Ed Kugler, Kalispell