Friday, May 17, 2024

Law roundup: One bark too many unhinges man

by Daily Inter Lake
| January 11, 2024 12:00 AM

A man was allegedly slamming doors, swearing and “going crazy” on his neighbors and their dogs, saying, “Tell your daughter to take the dog for a walk.” Officers with the Kalispell Police Department found him screaming at the neighbors when they arrived. They advised him not to engage with the neighbors and call law enforcement if an issue arose, which he had done in the past, because he could be cited if this behavior continued.

Someone called the police when they reportedly smelled alcohol on a parent picking up a child in a blue station wagon who kept repeating the same story. Officers located the vehicle, but it was unoccupied.

Kids living in an apartment building were allegedly kicking a kitten and strangling it to the point it began mewling. Someone said the behavior had been happening for several weeks. Police attempted to check on the cat but there was no answer. 

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