Thursday, January 23, 2025

Law roundup: Worker doesn’t buy creepy man’s scheme

by Daily Inter Lake
| January 18, 2024 12:00 AM

An employee reportedly saw a white-haired man driving a dark vehicle leave a husky at the location and told the Kalispell Police Department he was being “very creepy” and trying to get her into his vehicle. He also reportedly told her he dropped his phone and needed her to call it so he could hear it ring and find it. The dog was taken to the shelter.

Someone reported a bearded man’s outburst in front of the school that he later told police was a frustrated response to losing part of his cell phone. The man, who allegedly yelled an expletive and a sentiment about expiring, agreed his “demeanor was inappropriate.” He also “agreed to behave” and move along, avoiding recess detention.

A woman reportedly believed the CIA was trying to “make her disappear” and needed to get in contact with the FBI. Dispatch told her local law enforcement would contact her first and then loop in the FBI, if necessary.

Three doses of Narcan (medication to reverse opioid overdose) were allegedly administered and CPR started on an unconscious 21-year-old man who was overdosing on fentanyl powder. Gasping for air, he eventually regained consciousness.

Someone sitting on a bench in front of the library was allegedly “having a bad moment,” which they expressed by screaming obscenities.

Someone complained that an empty house with the front door wide open had been broken into several times and requested it be flagged as a biohazard because there were dozens of overfilled cat litter boxes, rotten food and broken floorboards inside. They alleged that people were leaving it “to rot,” after the occupant’s passing.

A couple and another man allegedly staying at someone’s house off and on were becoming increasingly violent with each other and the fed-up resident wanted them gone. The resident complained the guests were slamming doors and making loud banging noises. One of the men had a warrant out of Powell County. 

A man wearing a big yellow blanket reportedly punched a woman’s vehicle window after she let him cross the street. Officers spoke with the man.

Someone called 911 and hung up. On dispatch’s callback, he said he called because he felt like an employee was bullying him, but he hung up when he decided to log the complaint internally.