Friday, October 04, 2024

Montana Supreme Court aligned with radical left

by Matt Regier
| July 28, 2024 12:00 AM

Two weeks ago, a former president and leading political candidate was nearly assassinated. For a brief moment, political pundits, television hosts, and celebrities retracted their baseless claims that President Trump was a modern-day Hitler and wished him well, ultimately confessing their accusations were manufactured, designed only to instill fear to get votes. 

Unfortunately, they have since returned to their aggressive and unfounded rhetoric in their desire to win this historic race.

Montanans usually remain uninfluenced by their inflaming oratory due to our disdain of being told how to think. We prefer to see reality and act accordingly. This quality not only gives us our frontier ingenuity, but truly makes Montana the last best place because we’ll be the last state to be told what to do.

However, it is disconcerting, to say the least, hearing former Montana Supreme Court Justice James C. Nelson’s statement on the assassination attempt on President Trump. He expressed that the attempt was the result of Trump’s “bad karma” and that there would be no well wishes from him. 

Such partisan, hateful and uncompassionate views from a former Montana judge indicate a deep and consuming bias that permeates the minutest aspects of one’s life. The reality is that Nelson was not an impartial judge, but a victim of the woke mind virus and the mainstream media’s provocative declamations. 

Even worse, a majority of the Montana Supreme Court judges are also aligned with the same political agenda. The Supreme Court judges consistently sabotage the process and Montana law, erroneously ruling in line with their Democrat doctrines, such as their support for unlimited abortion, disgust for voter integrity laws and radical views on global warming. 

What could be worse than a partisan Supreme Court bench? Our Secretary of State being told to go against Montana law and count unqualified elector’s signatures. They even disregarded the recent Oregon’s case (Fagan vs. Whitehead, which ruled inactive voters are not eligible to sign petitions) to push their own agenda. Our court is proving to be further left of Oregon’s. 

These same Montana judges subverted the legislative committee with a midnight ruling denying the secretary of state due process. The question all of Montana, and especially the Legislature, needs to ask is, when a Montana judge blatantly refuses to adjudicate the laws and inserts their bias, what is the check and balance?

We must have judges that put aside their political leanings to see reality as it is and judge with integrity. This is the least that Montanans deserve, and the Legislature will work toward judicial reform in the upcoming session.

In the meantime, Montanans must continue to take the path that leads to unity produced by the pursuit of truth; strive to uphold the principles our country and great state were founded upon; and not allow extreme partisan views to cloud our judgment or separate us from one another. 

We are truly the last best place. 

Rep. Matt Regier, R-Kalispell, is speaker of the Montana House of Representatives.