Monday, September 09, 2024

A heartfelt invitation to Republicans

by Jennifer Allen
| July 30, 2024 12:00 AM

Dear sisters and brothers who happen to be Republicans. I write to you today as a Democratic candidate and a party chair.

I know. At first glance, the thought of an unrepentant Democrat writing to Republicans seems almost absurd. Even laughable.  What have we got to talk about, anyway? The divide is vast. The anger and rancor are deep.  

But if you’re one of those Republicans who are weary of division and seek less hostility and more collaboration, less condemnation and more cooperation, this letter might be for you.  

If you’re one of those Republicans who don’t agree with much of what the party stands for today but think the only way your voice gets heard is by voting in Republican primaries, this letter might be for you.  

If you’re one of those Republicans who believe that women should have control over their own bodies, this letter might be for you.  

 If you are one of those Christians who cherish the family values of faithfulness and fidelity, but cringe when a Republican sells a Bible with his image on it, this letter might be for you.   

And finally, friends, if you are one of those Republicans, I’d like to invite you to think about coming over to join the Democratic Party as we strive together to lift our common values that stress family and the power of public education. Even in our own gatherings, we often disagree, but we are unified around our commonly held values.  

Come join the work of building a community that reflects the immigrant roots so many of us share as we open the door to new waves of persecuted people seeking freedom and opportunity. 

Come, sit down with us as we put away the lies and vitriol — as we silence our weaponized language and seek for understanding and mutual accountability. Come, and let us dream together of a new America, strengthened in unity; broadened in acceptance, and made bold as we expand liberty and justice so that it truly is available to all.  

This is a heartfelt invitation, friends. We are reaching out to everyone who wishes to build new foundations on the values of kindness, compassion, and hope.   Come join us.   

Jennifer Allen is a Democratic candidate for House District 11.