Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Law roundup: 911-caller complains about signature request

by Daily Inter Lake
| June 2, 2024 12:00 AM

Someone called 911 to complain that two men in their 20s purportedly ran toward them as they got out of their car in a store parking lot, yelling for their signature on something. The caller felt harassed and that the police “should go tell them to stop.” Dispatch told the caller to use the non-emergency line next time. 

A grounds manager reportedly told the Kalispell Police Department about an issue with a rooster coming onto the property.

A man in his 20s reportedly charged the car of two women pumping gas and his mother threatened to smash one of the women’s face in. The argument allegedly ensued after the sister responded sarcastically to a statement.

Someone attempting to do yard work was allegedly interrupted by two boys in one vehicle and two girls in another, driving recklessly, yelling at each other and throwing trash.

A man and a woman in their 20s were ticketed and released for theft when they were reportedly caught skipping scanning barcodes on items by store security.

A homeless woman was reportedly seen rocking back and forth, huddled next to a garbage can, and a building manager wanted officers to kick her off the property.