Friday, December 13, 2024

Letters to the editor June 6

| June 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Communist playbook

The communist countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and others, use a form of government called democratic centralism which delegates all power to the ruling political party. In these countries there is only one ruling party and it is led by a dictator such as Putin in Russia or Xi Jinping in China. It is common practice in these communist states for any serious political opposition leader to be eliminated by the ruling party. In China they simply disappear. In Russia these opposition leaders were either shot (see Boris Nemtsov in 2015), jailed (see Mikhail Khodorkovsky in 2003), killed in a mysterious plane crash (see Yevgeny Prigozhin in 2023) or poisoned and jailed (see Alexei Navalny who died in prison in 2024).    

In the United States we are seeing that the sham trials of Donald Trump are a clear movement by the Democrat Party leadership to manage political opposition by using the communist playbook for eliminating opposition leaders. The Democrat Party is using our legal system to accuse and place on trial the leading candidate of the opposing party. This will either encumber the candidate to court proceedings during the election year (election interference) or convict the candidate (for some innocuous reason) and send them to prison. If it weren’t Trump, it would be whoever is the threat at the time.

If the Democrat Party ever gains dominate control of the politics in the United States they will likely expand their tactics to be similar to that of the communist nations and without fear of retribution.

So, all you Democrat voters, beware of what you vote for, the end of our democracy is possible with this leadership methodology in the Democratic Party. The tactics of the corrupt Democrat Party leadership will not make us a better nation, they will only lead to despair, discontent, and ultimately revolution. Revolution is how Russia and China of today were formed.

— Duane Egan, Columbia Falls