Friday, March 28, 2025

Letters to the editor June 20

| June 20, 2024 12:00 AM

Bring God into education

I wholeheartedly agree with all of Mr. Agather’s comments in his letter to the editor (State of public education, June 13). 

The public school system is the biggest money pit around wasting our tax dollars. If they need more money, tough. Eliminate the superintendent, guidance counselors and other support staff. A school should be able to run itself with just a principal and teachers for each grade. If you can’t do that, hire a principal who can. 

Teach the basics fundamentals a student needs to know: reading (starting with phonics and spelling), writing, mathematics, American history and science (real science what they can see, observe and repeat with experiments, not the evolution religion of humanists that deny a creator and remove their lies from the textbooks). You cannot call them animals and expect to get responsible citizens. 

Then add Bible reading so they have an understanding of where they came from. That God made them special and unique and that their life has a purpose and so will have respect and love for others. Finally, that there is absolute truth as spoken by God and that they will be accountable to Him. 

Then we will see a change in the behavior of our children for the better. 

— Jim Fabricius, Kalispell

Bump stock ban

The Supreme Court recently allowed bump stocks. Bump stocks convert semi-automatic weapons into nearly automatic weapons like machine guns. Why do we civilians need these type of weapons?   

— John Lavin, Kalispell

Trump is Gump

Going over the history of Trump’s presidency, if you paid any attention to it, man is it scary. 

When he entered the Oval Office on the first day he stated that he did not need any intelligence briefings as he said he knew more about foreign affairs than any of the intelligence agencies. When Covid-19 occurred, he stated that he knew more than Dr. Fauci about the treatment and suggested a hydroxychloroquine mix should be tried as he was taking it. So who got Covid? “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Trump gave us the largest tax rebate ever but forgot to mention that it also created the largest national deficit in history of this nation. Trump, as part of his international policy, visited Putin and said what a nice considerate leader and beautiful man Putin was, and then visited Kim Jong Un in North Korea and said what a beautiful and warm man he was. Oh, when he went to France he refused honor our veterans at their grave site because it was blustery, would mess up his hair, and saying why honor losers for getting killed. I will never understand why any veteran supports him, especially when he called Sen. John McCain a coward for being a prisoner of war. 

This plus numerous other statements like “I’ll be a dictator for a day” that have embarrassed our country.

“Stupid is as stupid does.” Trump is Gump.

— Jack Aubrey, Kalispell