Sunday, December 15, 2024

Letters to the editor March 14

| March 14, 2024 12:00 AM

Forever chemicals

Concerning the recent article about the polluted city water in Kalispell: Why did the city officials in charge wait until February 2024 to alert the public when they were aware the water wasn’t safe to drink in July 2023?  

What were they doing that they were so busy? Will they still drink it and have they been? Is this something that just recently occurred or had they been testing the water prior to this and was it OK? Will the city provide clean drinking water until they get clean water available from a new well? 

Our tax paying citizens deserve better. This isn’t Flint, Michigan, or is it? I think we are owed a very detailed explanation from our Public Works director.

— Jeremy Phillips, Kalispell

Living in reality

I’d like to respond to Tom Horelick’s comments on Feb. 29. Tom, I hate to tell you this, but you are exactly the reason there is no point having a discussion. Your talking points are utterly ridiculous and make my case. I would argue each point you mentioned, but it would not make a difference as you are not really interested in facts. 

Most of us live in reality, we see the open borders and drug issues, increasing crime, high inflation, endless wars, lack of energy independence, DEI and wokeness. 

Go ahead and deny it and stick your head in the sand. Blame only Trump and Republicans, because that’s all you can do. For the records there are many Republicans to blame, so there ya have it.

— Harry Brownlee, Kalispell

Time to clean house

All politicians in Congress like to blame everything wrong with our country on politicians in the other party. They try to convince you that you need to vote for them because the other side is destroying our country and the party begging for your vote is the only party that can stop it. 

They think you are naïve at best and certainly not smart enough to see that they are lying straight to your face. Politicians are the only people who can be shown a video of them saying something, and still deny it ever happened. 

The fact of the matter is, all of Congress is at fault for what is happening in our country. They are all on watch and they are all failing us miserably. 

I don’t care who you vote for but if you vote for the incumbent, you are enabling them to continue fiddling while our country burns. Stop reelecting the same politicians that have failed us over and over again. Its time to clean house America — the House and the Senate.

— George Blackard, Billings