Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Law roundup: Boyfriend’s clumsiness irks girlfriend

by Daily Inter Lake
| March 27, 2024 12:00 AM

A man — who reportedly doesn’t usually drink — drank a lot during a recent gathering of friends at the house he shared with his girlfriend. As the night unfolded, he allegedly broke the backdoor, played around with the propane tank and got yelled at “to stop messing with stuff.” His evening ended with a besotted stumble toward his girlfriend who slapped him across the face. He called the Kalispell Police Department to report the alleged assault. The couple slept in separate rooms that night.

A casino employee wanted police to walk through the building because a malodorous bunch in the building reportedly smelled of fentanyl, likening the odor to burnt plastic and old pennies. Officers didn’t see any signs of drug use.

A woman reportedly went to clean a property to rent it out and found a note that stated, “Thank you for leaving the door unlocked, unlocking the home for the union of my family,” and thought she heard someone, who she thought was a kid, kicking a door inside. Officers checked the residence, which was empty, but they found belongings someone left behind.

A man allegedly refused to leave the hospital unless he got a ride somewhere because it was cold and he couldn’t walk. Officers granted his request with a ride to the jail and a ticket for trespassing.

The driver of a swerving gray Toyota reportedly flipped someone off on the U.S. 93 Bypass and chucked a beer can out the window.

A man allegedly went to a pharmacy with a baggie containing a white substance that he wanted an employee to identify, saying it was a “probiotic he received on the street.” 

A welfare check was requested for a woman reportedly ranting and raving to herself in a vacant lot. She was doing just fine, it turns out, and moved along.

Someone complained about people living in a park and garbage everywhere, including carpeting, noting they were in four sedans.

The glow of multiple lighters inside a busted-looking vehicle with plastic over a window and wires on the hood was “freaking out” someone and “a lot of elderly locals.” The person told police there were at least two men in the vehicle. Officers found a woman sleeping in the car and told her to move along.