Monday, May 20, 2024

Law roundup: Praying man makes passerby suspicious

by Daily Inter Lake
| May 10, 2024 12:00 AM

Overhearing a person they assumed was homeless praying for a missing girl from Pablo, a passerby surreptitiously recorded him and alerted the Kalispell Police Department. They said they overheard the man talking about the missing person in a big box store. The allegedly homeless man mentioned that a Satanic cult was involved in the missing girl’s disappearance. The caller said they were concerned he was on drugs. 

Officers intervened when a group of would-be squatters allegedly started constructing a camp behind a grocery store. They were allegedly arguing and possibly dealing drugs, according to the store manager. The trio picked up and left after officers arrived. 

Frustrated with the struggle to back out of her driveway, a resident told authorities that a truck and trailer were blocking her egress and ingress. Officers determined the truck and its trailer were legally parked and not blocking the woman’s driveway, but they counseled the vehicle’s owner nonetheless. 

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