Letters to the editor May 14
Good sports
This year I have been spending a lot of time at the softball and baseball complex. I would like to thank all of the coaches and parents as well as the kids for making this year the best. I have not heard anyone say anything rude or arguing at all.
On the other hand, I have seen kids helping out other kids and congratulating the other teams even as the game is going. I have seen coaches from the opposing team tie shoes for the kids from the other team and offer words of encouragement when the kids seem down. Nothing else, just exactly what a person would want to see.
So thank you again to all of the coaches, umpires, kids, and parents as well as the hard working concession stand help for making this such a great year. This is a great representation of us Montanans.
I’m glad this will be my kids memories of playing ball.
— Jeremy Phillips, Kalispell