Friday, December 13, 2024

Letters to the editor May 20

| May 20, 2024 12:00 AM

Bible study

Hopefully no one was surprised by the Mother’s Day letter from the Flathead Valley clergy supporting the immigrant family and Valley Neighbors, for that message is precisely their duty, especially on a Sunday.

But it is also fair to note that they somehow skipped past the Bible study lesson of Matthew 22:22: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”

Yes, Jesus would certainly arrive bearing food, water, clothing, blankets and love. And right behind him, Caesar would appropriately ask, “This is really very nice, and now let’s see your legal ID.”

— Andy Palchak, Kalispell

Photo selection

Regarding the May 12 letter “Valley Neighbors is ‘caring for the strangers in our midst’” was the accompanying photo of two migrant women and an infant crossing illegally in Texas in September 2023 submitted by the writer or placed there by the Inter Lake?  

My guess is the editors decided to use it in an attempt to engender sympathy for the immigrants and shame me for wanting them held in custody until properly identified, and if not here legally, deported.  

Sympathy I’ll give you, but not the shame.

— Dan Cromer, Kalispell

[Editor’s note: The image was part of a series documenting the surge of migrants by Associated Press photographers Ivan Valencia, Eduardo Verdugo, Felix Marquez, Marco Ugarte Fernando Llano, Eric Gay, Gregory Bull and Christian Chavez that won the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography.]

Military experience

As a concerned citizen, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Tim Sheehy as he campaigns to represent Montana in the U.S. Senate. What particularly sets Tim apart from other candidates is his distinguished service as a military veteran.

Tim’s background in the armed forces speaks volumes about his character and commitment to the greater good. His firsthand experience in defending our nation demonstrates his willingness to put the needs of others above his own and to fight for the values that make our country great.

My father fled Castro’s communist regime in 1960 and arrived in our great nation on Aug. 19, 1960. The very first thing he did the next morning was to visit an Army recruiter and volunteer to serve his new nation. Sadly, he was too old and wasn’t able to enlist.  However, he carried his registration card with him until the day he died.  

Our nation needs folks like these, willing to serve to show their gratitude, Tim Sheehy did and became the man I proudly support in this critical election.

Furthermore, Tim’s military service equipped him with invaluable leadership skills, and a deep understanding of national security issues. These qualities make him exceptionally qualified to represent our state in the Senate and to advocate for policies that will benefit all of Montana.

We need leaders who have proven themselves through their service. That’s why I am voting for Tim Sheehy.

— Jose Sotolongo, Kalispell

Humanitarian crisis

Rep. Ryan Zinke voted against aid for Ukraine and Israel and condemned the humanitarian aid for Gaza.

The fighting has made more than a million people in Gaza refugees. The region is in serious famine, with little food or clean water to drink. Children by the thousands are malnourished. More than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, women and children have made up around two-thirds of those killed.

Zinke and his ilk who have put their petty politics above a humanitarian crisis expose their lack of integrity and decency. They have traded their humanity for self-centered agendas and it is appalling.

— Barbara Palmer, Kalispell