Thursday, October 03, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 3

| October 3, 2024 12:00 AM

Who benefits?

A dear friend of mine recently sent me a picture of her niece’s baby. It showed a lovely, fully formed face radiating complete happiness and satisfaction. The picture was taken not by a photographer, but by a medical technician of the child in the mother’s womb. It will be a precious memento of those nine months the little one lived within his/her mother.

The abortion industry is trying hard, with a lot of help from outside funding sources, to turn Montana into an “anything goes” abortuary.

Who benefits from this? Certainly not the unborn (and soon to be killed) child. Not the child’s mother who will live with this decision for the rest of her life. That leaves only the person who issues the life-destroying chemicals or performs the abortion as beneficiary.

Please think of that picture of the unborn child in the mother’s womb as you prepare to cast your ballot for or against abortion for all. Life is too precious to be destroyed. That child doesn’t get to vote to protect his/her life, but you do.

— Cy Appel, Whitefish

Sheehy not right for Montana

Tim Sheehy was recruited and groomed by Mitch McConnell and the cadre of billionaires whose sole goal is the preservation and enhancement of their wealth. They expect him to be an obedient vote in the Senate — not too different from Putin’s Duma in Moscow. He has identified no experience with civilian governance and is a relative newcomer in Montana. Contrast this with Jon Tester’s 30 plus years of public governance experience on local school boards, state Legislature, congressional service and being born and raised in Montana. Tester has also shown that he is not afraid to act independently of party to benefit Montana.

If Sheehy is elected and the Senate is Republican controlled I fear the loss of Ukraine (and Moldova, Poland and the Baltic states?)’ I fear the loss of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (PBS), the Department of Education, the National Weather Service, the National Endowment for the Arts, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.  I fear a slide into another dark ages.

If a Trump-Republican team is in power and Trump is successful in getting his policies in place (budget cuts, new tariffs, massive deportations) I fear that a new recession will occur.

Finally, I firmly believe that Tim Sheehy is not out to serve all Montanans but desperately wants to be a member of the high roller club. Will he listen to us? Or will he listen to the billionaires who have funded his campaign? The answer is clear.

— Charles Davis, Columbia Falls