Sunday, October 06, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 6

| October 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Supports Bidegaray

Judge Katherine Bidegaray is an excellent candidate for justice of the Montama Supreme Court. 

During my 18 years as a Montana district court judge in Northwest Montana, I came to know Katherine as a fair, impartial, hard-working and compassionate district court judge. After Katherine was elected as district court judge in eastern Montana, we served together for 12 years, and I always appreciated her calm, thoughtful demeanor and her dedication to Montana’s Constitution and rule of law.

During my time as a district court judge I had the opportunity to sit as an alternate justice on the Montana Supreme Court. I was impressed with the importance of approaching each case with an open mind, without any bias or agenda. To this end, Katherine is not a politician, and she has not sought nor received favor from any political party. After all, this is, by law, a nonpartisan election and Katherine’s only allegiance is to the Constitution and the rule of law.

I strongly support Katherine Bidegaray as the next justice of the Montana Supreme Court.

— Katherine R. “Kitty” Curtis, Whitefish

Consequences of CI-128

When debating legislation, legislators are always looking for unintended consequences. If you are pro-life or pro-choice, CI-128 must be a major concern.  

Hidden in the text of the initiative is language that gives blanket immunity to abortion providers for malpractice, incompetence or outright criminal behavior. In the complete text of CI-128 it says, “The government shall not penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against a person for aiding or assisting another in exercising their right to make and carry out decisions about their pregnancy.”

This means that no matter how inept a provider preforms, there will be no recourse for those that have been damaged. Montana’s tort laws are a protection for citizens that have been damaged in their person or property. Medical providers carry malpractice insurance for these reasons.  

CI-128 would exempt abortion providers from making whole those that have experienced a botched abortion, neglectful behavior or outright carelessness. 

Women in Montana deserve better. Don’t change the constitution.  Vote no on CI-128 

— Sen. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell

Wilson is the right choice

As a retired Missoula Municipal Court judge, I write to ask for your support of District Court Judge Dan Wilson, candidate for the Montana Supreme Court. I have known Judge Wilson for many years, and he embodies the qualities we need on the Supreme Court. His background demonstrates a solid foundation to serve the state in that role. He has served as a prosecutor, and defense attorney, a civil attomey, a justice of the peace and, for the last eight years, a district court judge.

He has provided training and mentoring to lower court judges. He is well respected by other judges and would be a valuable member of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court impacts our daily lives in a variety of ways. We need the best and the brightest to serve on the court. Judge Wilson is the best qualified candidate for the job and would serve all Montanans as a fair and balanced justice.

Please join me in supporting Judge Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court.

— Kathleen Jenks, Missoula

Republicans against truth

Imagine, if you will, a Montana where our Republican leaders were honest, faithful, intelligent and “good.”

Montana’s Attorney General Knudsen would have uncensored me. Let me help him defend Held v. Montana. Select a dozen expert witnesses. Organize their testimonies to counter the plaintiffs’ climate claims. Teach defense attorneys to cross-examine plaintiffs’ experts and lead defense experts.

Without question, we would have defeated Held v. Montana. Shocked and changed the world. Saved Montana from paying the plaintiffs’ attorneys a few million dollars.

We would have awakened people from their climate delusions. Stopped the evil indoctrination of children in climate fiction, fear and anxiety. Showed how the scientific method finds truth. Opened minds to the physics truth that nature, not human carbon emissions, controls the climate.

We would have forced governments to discard laws and taxes on carbon emissions. Freed governments to make economic decisions without green distortions. Stopped wasting money and engineering talent on senseless carbon capture.

We would have, in time, eliminated America’s annual deficit which today is entirely caused by green laws and taxes. Strengthened the dollar. Helped people buy homes, wheels and food.

No more counting carbon footprints. No more climate challenges to Donald Trump’s energy plan.

We would have stopped the World Economic Forum, the deep state and Bill Gates’ plan to enslave America by 2030 because their plan needs the climate delusion.

America’s Republican and Democrat vice-president candidates, Vance and Walz, agreed in their debate, that censorship is the biggest threat to democracy. That we must debate our differences. Persuade but never censor.

Ah, but I must be dreaming.

Montana’s Republican leaders — Sen. Steve Daines, Rep. Ryan Zinke, Gov. Greg Gianforte, Tim Sheehy, Troy Downing and other RATS (Republicans against truth) secretly censor me and climate truth.

They support Knudsen’s despicable deliberate loss of Held v Montana. They accepted their 30 pieces of silver to censor scientific truth and secretly betray the people. Do any pastors, preachers, priests, elders, or voters care about truth and freedom?

— Ed Berry, Bigfork