Sunday, October 20, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 20

| October 20, 2024 12:00 AM

Disingenuous letter

The Montana Republican controlled Legislature in its last session passed a string of bills to restrict abortion.

It’s disingenuous of Republican Rep. Amy Regier to assert in her recent letter to the editor the initiative on abortion on our November ballot is not necessary.

Clearly, it would not have been necessary if those string of restrictive abortion bills had not been passed by Regier and the super majority Republicans in the state Legislature.

As a result, the judicial arm of our state government ruled those bills were not constitutional as the state’s constitution speaks to the legality of abortion in our state.

Even Regier acknowledged in her letter the fact it is a right in our state constitution, but Republicans are going after those very judges for their decision to uphold our constitution labeling them “liberal.”

Many Republicans who normally vote along party line will not be doing so on this issue. Those Republicans want less government not more and personal decisions are personal. They will vote yes to approve the initiative.

— Karlene Khor, Kalispell

A clear choice

The upcoming election offers two choices for the future. 

Former President Donald Trump with low inflation, lower taxes, low interest rates, higher real wages, controlled borders and a war free world. Vice President Kamala Harris offers high taxes, high inflation, government control of food, housing, speech, health and a open border. The world is unsafe with another week leader just like President Joe Biden. She believes all his policies were perfect. Do you?

The other choice is for Rep. Ryan Zinke and Tim Sheehy. If Trump is president they will support his agenda and his judges. If Monica Tranel and Sen. Jon Tester are elected, they will block every program and every judge. They will investigate and impeach Trump from day one and really get nothing done.

If Harris were to win, then Tester would get rid of the filibuster and make Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico states. That would take away Montana’s vote forever. He would add multiple new liberal Supreme Court justices to get ride of the First and Scond Amendments. Next the Electoral College will be gone, which will make sure Montana never  has a say in future presidential elections. H

as anyone asked Tester about this? You need to look at his votes not his talk. Tranel  and her votes will help keep the border open with amnesty for all.

The choice is yours. A bright future like Trump’s years or a bleak future where the Harris makes Biden look good.

— Bill Hagen, Bigfork

Tester stands up for veterans

As Montanans make a decision about who will represent us in our Senate seat, we should consider what started the push to remove Sen. Jon Tester.

Montana historically supports veterans and Tester has proven he has supported veterans throughout his political career. So what has gone wrong? It isn’t because he’s a radical left Democrat. Jon has voted with Republicans numerous times and brings down-to-earth common sense responses to committees he serves. He considers what will best serve the people he represents.  

Do you remember when Jon and the veterans committee reported complaints about a nominee by former President Donald Trump to oversee the VA? Jon stood up for veterans, sharing complaints about Dr. Ronny Jackson, a White House physician who was reported to be abusive to staff, (over 23 complaints filed). Additional complaints about Jackson’s behavior included opioid abuse, drunk on the job, promoting a hostile working environment, by demeaning staff, yelling and more.  

In my opinion, Jon was doing his job to find the right person to oversee the Veterans Affairs. It’s a big job with a staff of 370,000, that provides services for 9 million veterans with a budget of $200 billion. 

 Jon Tester, a high ranking, well respected member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, rightfully stood up for veterans. Veterans deserve a nominee to run Veterans Affairs who doesn’t come with that type of baggage. Jackson has an excellent military background, but administratively he fell short for the responsibilities for the VA. 

It wasn’t long after the report came to light, Jackson withdrew his nomination for office. But since Trump liked Jackson, he took it personal and set out to replace Tester.  Don’t let Trump’s vengeance affect your common sense.  

Vote for Sen. Jon Tester.

— Laura Gebhart, Kalispell

Fern is a proven leader

Dave Fern is a man of character with knowledge, skill and experience to serve all Montanans. He is dedicated to the health, safety and well being of families, and to the sustainability of our resources and public lands. He gained valuable experience working on the Whitefish School Board for 24 years in collaboration with students, families, administrators, teachers and staff.  

During this period of volunteer work, he gained skills with budgets, planning, communication, problem solving, policy, negotiations and student and family needs. This practical experience adds to his successes as a small businessman, running his own business.  

Dave tries hard to listen before he speaks, and to understand what is said to him with dignity and respect. Dave is passionate about serving people based on his personal integrity and professionalism rather than political expediency. He has proved this skill in his performance as a four-term elected member of the Montana House of Representatives. 

Please join me in voting for Dave Fern, Senate District 2. 

— Dave Lange, Columbia Falls

Knudsen endorsement

I wholeheartedly support Austin Knudsen for reelection as Montana’s attorney general. His commitment to combating the growing threat of human trafficking is essential for the safety of our communities. 

Under his leadership, Montana has made significant progress in addressing this horrific crime. Knudsen has increased the number of agents dedicated to human trafficking cases and introduced vital legislation that closed loopholes in our laws and increased penalties for traffickers. This sends a strong message that Montana will not tolerate those who exploit the vulnerable.

Additionally, his public awareness campaigns have been instrumental in educating Montanans about the realities of human trafficking in our state. These initiatives have empowered citizens to recognize and report suspicious activities, strengthening our collective effort to combat trafficking. Knudsen has also collaborated closely with nonprofits and victim advocacy groups to ensure that survivors receive the necessary support and resources. His leadership in this area is unparalleled, and it is crucial that we continue this important work.

For the safety of our children, families, and communities, I urge all Montanans to support Austin Knudsen’s reelection.

— Braxton Mitchell, Columbia Falls