Thursday, October 24, 2024

Letters to the editor Oct. 24

| October 24, 2024 12:00 AM

Republican endorsements

If you support Donald Trump for president, vote Tim Sheehy for Senate. Sheehy will actually work with Trump to secure our southern border against the influx of fentanyl wreaking havoc across Montana. Sheehy will work with Trump to make energy affordable again and bring inflation back under control. 

We must give Trump a Senate that works to bring back the policies that were benefiting middle class Americans four years ago. Don’t fall for the poor dirt farmer ploy. Tester voted twice to impeach Trump, voted against pro-gun Supreme Court nominees and went on national TV to proclaim Trump should be punched in the face. 

We can do better.

Also, we need to defeat CI-126 and CI-127. These initiatives are a way for the no labels crowd to hide their belief system from the voters. Both California and Alaska are trying to scrap these misguided laws. 

We also need to defeat CI-128 as it would support taxpayer funding of abortion including late term abortion.

Finally, vote for Montana Supreme Court candidates Dan Wilson and Cory Swanson. They will restore common sense to the Montana Supreme Court. The current Supreme Court is made up of radicals that legislate from the bench.  

Remember vote for the two “sons,” Wilson and Swanson to stop the current radicals on the Montana Supreme Court.   

— Brad Abell, Flathead County Commissioner

Repke is smart and savvy

I first met John Repke when he volunteered at Montana West Economic Development to help entrepreneurs start businesses. John brought a wealth of business experience and knowledge from the oil industry and large international corporations to those growing companies in the Flathead. 

John is a smart, thoughtful, savvy man who came out of retirement to take a position as CFO at a wood products manufacturing company — helping them create jobs in the Flathead. This combination of experience and willingness to help others to prosper is the reason John would be an excellent state auditor.

The state auditor’s office oversees compliance of insurance companies with state law and reviews premiums and claims. As we face rising insurance prices and homebuyers have problems securing home insurance we need a smart, savvy state auditor looking out for Montanans.  

John’s opponent has a terrible track record, profiting from his full-time, elected position at the Public Service Commission where he is paid $115,000 per year of taxpayer’s money while maintaining his law practice and lobbying activities for dark money PACs trying to overturn our campaign finance laws. He and his fellow Republicans on the PSC voted to increase Northwestern Energy rates by 25% causing massive inflation for so many people across Montana. He is not the man to be put in charge of consumer protections.

It is time for Montanans to go back to voting for candidates based on the quality of their character, not the letter behind their name. It would be hard to find a man of better character and experience to work for Montanans in the state auditor’s office than John Repke.

— Kim Morisaki, Kalispell

Tax talk

As I was opening up my property tax bill it whispered, “Bad news.” As I read of the huge increase, it shouted out  to me, “Gov. Greg Gianforte really stuck to you.” 

Then in a very calm  convincing voice, it said, “You must vote for Ryan Busse.”

— Peter Daniel, Polson