Monday, September 30, 2024

Law roundup: Man calls a spade a spade

by Daily Inter Lake
| September 26, 2024 12:00 AM

Someone purportedly told the Kalispell Police Department they thought a silver Nissan Maxima and a silver Chevy Aveo parked in a vacant lot were stolen because "they looked stolen.”  

A woman was allegedly coming out of her house to meet cars in an alley between 3 to 5 a.m. daily, where people were coming and going from a shed behind the house. The alleged suspicious activity wrapped up with the woman hosing off her back patio at 5 a.m. 

A woman allegedly told police she was missing a bottle of wine, makeup bag and other items she “had to have” while being arrested. 

Someone was allegedly uncomfortable that a “strange male” sitting on a bench across the street could see into their office. 

Six people gathered near trees, where they reportedly had been camping out all summer, were “acting like they were going to fight.” There was no fight just people hanging out. 

Someone reportedly felt threatened by a man in his 70s who was yelling and swearing at pedestrians. Officers received another call about a man in his late 60s who was allegedly screaming profanities and saying he was going to “bend people over and have sex with them.” Yet, another person called police about a man, who previously had been yelling at people, who was reportedly sleeping on the bike path. 

A package containing a thermostat was allegedly stolen. 

A man relayed second-hand information that two people were having sex on the southwest side of a park pond. 

A woman went to the police department with concerns that it wasn’t safe to take her “handicapped family and elderly father” to the park because people were reportedly living there. Officers told her they would head over to the park and do additional patrols. 

A motorist reportedly turned in a backpack they found containing business cards with contact information for the owner.